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The month is almost over. I was hoping to have the first Sophie daki design finished by today, but despite being so close to done, there's still more work to do on it than I anticipated. My apologies for the delay, please look forward to the finished piece next month.

Also, I hope everyone who's joined my discord server is enjoying it so far. I will be removing members who are no longer subscribed starting tomorrow. For those of you who are sticking around, let me know how you feel about it in the comments! Thank you for all your support.



I hope I speak for everyone when I say that nobody feels upset that the Daki wasn't finished on time, especially since you said were attempting to draw *individual scales* for texture which is just an insane amount of work While I personally wouldn't mind if there were no scale textures I do hope you find something that you feel works if that's the idea you want to go for ^^


Where can I find the discord link?


Thanks again. I like the idea of a scale texture and I want to include it, just in a more sensible way. I feel that Sophie would realistically have a bit of texture to her skin.


I am enjoying the discord server alot so far. It is the first server I have joined where you cant post, but you know I dont really mind. Its nice to have everything Shyguy9 in one place. As far as the Daki goes I dont mind either, they aren't personally my thing but I know many like them.


i may have to try it out


It doesn't seem to work for me, but I think I just have to resubscribe. My original subscription was made several years ago, so I wonder if I've been at T1 this whole time. Oof!


Bro it's all good! Honestly whenever you think it's ready to come out as a completed work I'll be ready for you. As long as your happy creating the work I'll be here to support you


Thanks. I know it's not going to be for everyone, but I don't feel comfortable in large chat rooms and this is my solution lol.


The payment was a little late can I rejoin?

The Violent God-King, Fassgum

I am more interested in your shy dragon, Ash. I think theirs a lot of poetenally for comics


Thank you, and I agree. I already have two more sequences planned out for Ashe, one of which I will be posting next month. I hope you like a tearjerker.