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Hey again, everyone.

So, I've been considering it for a while now, and I think I'm finally ready to start posting again here on Patreon.  That is, I'm comfortable I should have enough to make next month's pledges worthwhile.

However, since it is such short notice, I would like to avoid charging you guys right away. If I resume monthly payments after the first of the month, you won't be charged right?  Sorry, I'm unsure how it works.

I'd also like to offer something special to those of you who have stuck with me throughout this long hiatus.  I was thinking exclusive access to my commission queue for May, including sketches or simple flat colored images at a reduced rate?  Let me know what you think!

Thank you!!


Drages Animations

Hey. I am a huge fan of yours for years. I am your patreon not only for your future updates but for early days. So if you continue to publish more, I would be super happy. No need to worry about it, just open and go for it..


Ahh that's very considerate of you, I'm just happy you feel up to doing your own thing again, that's great news! If you need more time then you only have to say though /ouo\


Hey, I'd definitely be interested in commissioning you! 🎶


Super excited to see more! <3 And I would absolutely commission something. :3


I've always been a fan of your work. You'll still have my support.


I’d totally be down to get a commission from ya. But whatever floats your boat!


I'm glad to hear you're back on your feet again! As far as the Patreon monthly charge goes, I say don't worry about it too much. I'm not too familiar with how the hiatus system works either. The commission discount is nice but more importantly, I look forward to seeing what you got for us in the future.


happy your feeling better Shy X3 I do need to get something from you when I can.


I'd be down for a commission, I just gotta think of what. Glad to see you're back in the swing.


Definitely interested! :D

Drages Animations

There is one month passed.. do you still plan to publish anything here?