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Big boy's news today, welcome to your graduation fellas!

[Pending this month]

  • Tsumugu Kinagase (Kill la Kill)/Illustration-Done

Released today, go watch the 4 pages set!

(He's like 32 but it call him baby.jpg)

Marcus (Filia's dad in Skullgirls)/Animation

Still working on it, hopefully next week or first december friday!


[Request results and next month rewards]

Thank you all very much for your participation in the requests! I have decided that next month I will do a Stan Pines x Manly Dan strip and an animation of The Immortal x Invincible/Mark Grayson (and I think we know what sex joke I'll make, but allow me to surprise you on the execution!)



It may have only been a month, but I am a new man, wiser, hornier. I have revisited the project and decided to change some things, but the ass-essence is still there! 

For now I will finish the sketch to start the animation, I hope to have more to show you next month!


[the new P*treon thing]

As you may have noticed, Patreon now allows you to follow a user for free, I'm worried.

On the one hand I like it, in case Twitter dies, I have gained followers here that double the amount of my other attempts to diversify my presence

On the other hand, the same page that temporarily suspended my account for having published a post with wips NSFW now considers it viable to open an option (That I cannot turn off) that implies a type of public exhibition that could qualify against its rules... sus

I still haven't received responses from Patreon despite my emails, but if everything goes well, this is the plan 

>all rewards older than one month will be released

That means, in December, the November rewards will be released to all the public that follows me (which is what I do on twitter, but not all the rewards are updated, the DJ animation has not yet been uploaded for example, only cool people hang out here)

If everything goes wrong, I will keep NSFW posts only for paid followers 

I appreciate your follow, and I hope you understand that as a NSFW artist I cannot afford to accept the "good vibes" of a company, not every exhibition is good for us, some can nuke the entire show...

No time for cry kiddo, just...play the game!

[The night has ended]

 Thank you all very much for your support with the Halloween comic [Sweet Devil Night]!

It is a project that has been in production for 3 years... 

>2021 was the second consecutive year of covid, I worked on it throughout the month of October, and it was a very different version than the current one, but the frustration of not finishing it on time made me quit 

>2022 I continued working in October, remember that I stopped all activity to finish it, by the time I finished the sketch, it was already late, on the good side, that same year I uploaded the Duncan Reno animation and it is one of my favorites so far: ) 

>For 2023 everything is ready, I couldn't leave it there, I felt that once I had the patreon it could encourage me to finish it... here we are :)

The idea never changed, from the beginning I wanted to do something "sweet" and I think I achieved it

I don't know if I'm going to continue making comics, it's definitely more entretaining to make animations, but i can say that it's always satisfying to make the last page of a comic, it feels like (No pun intended) "turning the page" :)



-Mr.  deMitchell

Thanks for the support! Any questions, I am at your disposal~
