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Hello floks! I'm happy to present you the schedule for the month of June!


Our Christmas has arrived! if June is the emblem of something, it is something key to this artist, Fathers... It's Father's Day

And it's so cool you don't even need to be one, have one, or have had contact with them in the last two weeks. it's not about the men... it's about the vibe~

So i'm your Dad now, as your father I plan to feed you porn (just don't tell mom) and I plan to revisit MY PRECIOUS MAN (Rick Beloved Mitchell) added to the premiere of Greg's animation, I think this month will be great !

[This month's menú]

This month's rewards will be 2

  • Illustration/Rick mitchel x Tim Lockwood💋
  • Animation/Jonesy x Jhon Llama

Father's day special.jpg


[No request posts this month]

Added to what I said last month regarding animation requests, regarding this month I will not take requests

I also plan to change the requests for illustrations to bi-monthly, but for now this month I will not take requests due to schedule issues 😅

I would also like to remind you that the "Veteran Master" level will be disabled this month, please consider the other levels 🙇‍

[Greg's solo training]


The title card (also tell me that this is not aesthetic).jpg

It's LITERALLY already in post production! so prepare your tissues because the plan is to release it tomorrow (or next week)

(I know it's an old version of AE, please keep subscribed to my patreon😭).jpg


I don't have much to show you regarding the Max tennyson x Vilgax project, still I'll work hard this month to show something (This is kinda the reason why i won't take request this month), I plan to have more to show in the middle of this month!

[It's never a good time to be gay]

Well, I am not one to comment on contemporary issues, but nevertheless I am not oblivious to pride and the politics that it concerns (In fact, my first season of commissions was for donations to LGBT+ foundations)

So since I don't have a celebrating image planned for this month, the only thing I think I could contribute is to ask them to take good care of themselves this month and try to protect others whenever you can, shit is getting more scary every year, but LGBT+ acceptance also grows every year! So whenever you think is not worth it, look back to where people you didn't know rise their voice so people like you and me could even have the luxury of thinking if it worth it, that's something you should be proud of! ❤️

And remember, people do not change their mind, only their hatred becomes an uncomfortable part of their being that prevents them from ignoring the suffering of others anymore.

shit the post became too seious... ummm... CUM!


I have expectations that all the changes and things I learned in these months will bear fruit in a faster production, I'm sorry I didn't have as much to show you, but that's part of the plan!

-Happy pride!


Thanks for the support! Any questions, I am at your disposal~


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