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Hello, gentlemen (and gentlemen-ettes) I'mm happy to announce the update for the month of May!

I'm really pleased with the progress of the projects this month, and I am very confident that next month I will be able to move on to the next big project! (more on that later)

I also plan to make some important changes to my patreon for organizational reasons, BUT FIRST!...

[Monthly Rewards]

So this is the plan:

  • Ganondorf (Tears of kingdom) -This week
  • Spike x Donkey Kong (Super Mario Movie) -Next week

I've been concentrating more on the big project, but I still see myself completing both according to plan, nothing that is not in the bag (I hope), in any case of delay, both will be uploaded in the next week

(of we're going to have the boner alt, How would I post an obvious unfinished project, who do you think I am, Nin***do?).jpg

Cropped version of the spike x DK strip, I want it to be a surprise.jpg

[Greg's Solo training]

You saw the wip 👄

Anyway, I want to add that the 3rd (and final) scene is still in production, anyway (even though it has sound) it will be a loop so for that and for the progress of this month, a project that will be ready for next month! (Mainly early of June)

Tahoma2D is trying to kill me.jpg

[THE Big News]

As you know this is my first year on Patreon, and I'm still trying to figure out things regarding the organization while I also have to maintain my other accounts (My page in BaraAddiction is still waiting for me, I receive your missed calls but I never know what to answer. ..I ABANDONED MY BOY!!!🥺) so due to schedule issues to prioritize the big animations/comics I have decided the following changes

  • The level "Veteran Master" will be merged with "Father connoisseur"

The benefits of level 15 will go to level 5

  • The animation requests will be quarterly

This means that you still have time to request for the month of May (I still haven't chosen the rewards for next month!), and in August I will take them again

 I don't know what effects this will have for those who have already subscribed, I will investigate about it and these changes will be made over the next few months, if you consider supporting me at the "Veteran Master" level, please consider doing it at "Father connoisseur" "Since I don't know how the charge would work, please keep that in mind 🙇‍

Now... you're sure will say "I want to give all my money / eternal devotion to this homosexual, however, what will happen to the cute old man from the icon at the 15$ level?"

To which I will reply, "Have no fear my friends! Part of this change is to better organize myself to give him his well-deserved sacking, planning for him to launch my original animations.  You know the drill, adorable grandpa knows the pleasure of being a sex slave in his nightlife (Classy i know), with nothing but the best after effect anime production can offer. Wanted anime bara? you will have it!" or something like that...

see? changes are good :)!

(appropriate reference sheet pending).jpg

This level may return or may not, but Ladies (and Ladie-ttes), do not forget about this man because you will see him again!

Anyways! However his name is he will have to wait. I plan to work with him when i finnished the Next project!

[THE BIG News!]


 For now it is in less than "beta" (epsilon?... i'm bad at chemistry srry 😓), but nevertheless I have already started the planning and the script (if Greg's taught me anything, it's that a script is important, I'm as surprised as you) 

I don't have much to share about it right now, just that if all goes well, I plan to include Ben 10,000.

I said "plan" so if you want that to happen, please, pray at to your local God that this third world gay artist doesn't have dengue again (animating a character is not the same as 2, and in this case it would be 3 🫠)

However, I am so positive about this month that I could almost confirm it, taste it, even.

Menacing wip.jpg

[I'm at your door right now.]

 As closing thoughts, I would like to share how grateful I am to all of you for supporting this patreon project, the April bout was really hard, but I can't help but feel positive seeing everything I accomplished this month, who was going to to think that May was going to be my Bunny month(?

Thanks for the support! Any questions, I am at your disposal~


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