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Just a quick place holder for the next Damballah Beach Fun page. You won't believe who shows up on the beach looking for Kitty and Jenny. I'll be posting the page tomorrow. As a hint there are 4 women that show up to find Kitty and Jenny. Care to take a guess?

I did my self a favor and physically wrote down my outlined work list for this year and I think just having it on display on my desk will lead to less confusion about what I can work on and more focused productivity. 




Really? you went in and removed every negative comment about content YOU charged for and DIDN'T deliver on ON TIME AGAIN with an IOU??? That's messed up! The point of you charging per delivery of content is not for you to charge us for nothing, and get around to it later! You should not be charging people for content you did not deliver! that's unethical!


Making false accusations of me deleting comments critical of my behavior isn't necessary. If a comment is missing the author is responsible for deleting it. I've only ever deleted abhorrent comments.


Not and accusation, someone literally deleted anything negative from the comments. That isn't an accusation hat happened. Its not cool, peoples complains where legitimate. Wasn't wild accusations. We just prefer you don't charge for an IOU. And im not the only one who had said so.


"You went in and removed every negative comment" That is an accusation. I didn't delete anything. I value the messages people leave even if they are critical of me. I even take time to talk to people that are upset. I know going days orxweeks without updates is frustrating for people. I don't have an excuse. But I have watched the woman I love lose her mind to schizophrenia over the past 2 years and kept it to my self. I just left her and my apartment behind. I still have to deal with both until my lease is up. I have to get her home to her mother. I have to move all my belongings out. It is hard to move on. It's hard to get out of bed. I'm doing my best. I'm sorry for needing money to survive. I'm sorry the mood to create anything is gone. I'm trying my best. I contemplate suicide daily. I won't because my mother would be heart broken. But this is what I keep bottled up. This is what I struggle with. If you want a refund just ask for it. If it makes you feel better yelling at a broken man on the internet then I hope you're satisfied.

Snake Plissken

I hope you can find healing, having a loved one with such a problem is one of life’s hardest challenges. I think you made the right call leaving and hope you make it through this ok


For the record I'm sorry that you are going threw things Life is hard sometimes and I'm sorry that it is being particularly shitty for you at the moment. This is also not a normal response to someone who raised a concern as a paying customer about being charged for work yet to be completed, OR someone deleting comments. Now I don;t know if that is a mod or not. But someone did. No one is asking fora refund, I'm happy to pay for your work. But understand from our perspective how that feels. Look I hope you are able to find some piece and seek out whatever help you need for what your going threw. i really do not intend to come off as heartless. There is nothing wrong with getting help! I hope you the best.


I'm glad you realize Pit's well-being is what's most important. There's 1400 patrons here all wanting to see Pit's work. You must realize you're not the only one excited and impatient for more. But read the room. Look around and see how few people complain of delays. Out of 1400 patrons, just 1% would be 14. I didn't see 14 ppl complaining. I saw 2 or 3. So that means almost 99.8% of us understand it takes patience. Sometimes you pay a lot of money for concert tickets, but the show is postponed. Sometimes you pre-order a big hyped video game you've been waiting years for, but it's delayed. It makes more sense to gripe when you plop $60-200 bucks on something and have to plan your schedule around particular date. But for $1? Pit has delivered for 99.9%. And honestly it's over 110% if you include the bonus extras. If there is a delay, you can believe there's a reason.


@Pit Damn. Maybe get help from a professional? I know, those guys are super-expensive and it could be even harder to afford a shrink at your current situation. But, thinking about suicide shouldnt be treated lightly and as I was in a very dark state of mind myself, getting help from a shrink truly helped me. PS: Sorry for having been an ass in the comments a few times as well, didn't imagine your life to be that shit right now. And I know you got other things to take care of first.. But dude, you are possible the most famous porn art artist ever right now. Hell, that's something you should be proud of. Man, I would be.