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It's not finished but it's definitely worth sharing on Halloween. I've got a decent work space and I can get back to focusing on making art again. I need to charge for this post as is, but I'll complete it first thing next month now that I've settled in to a new situation.

I hope everyone stays safe this Halloween and has fun!




Looks very promising! Looking forward to it. Happy Halloween everyone. Peace and blessings for my fellow Pit enjoyers.


Always down to see more girls, great to hear your getting back into the swing of things


It looks incredible Pit, your style is the most iconic and legendary around l, this piece alone reminds me why I support you and will always support you. It’s good to hear that things have improved a bit for you and you have some space to work. I hope things continue to improve for you. Please take care of yourself first. We’re all here to support you. I love everything you create. This was a great idea and it’s awesome to see it being brought to life. Great work!!!!


Man Elvira looks so good in your style! I like her reaction to seeing B-Low. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do with her


Good choice of Elvira, wonder if you know of her Dungeon crawler games from Horrorsoft. Also, nice entry for Halloween.

Ashley Kate

Yup, your Elvira is perfect, can't wait to see more of this.

J Arco

Elvira was MADE to serve BBC. Awesome!

Curtis Willis

So DOPE, as always❗️❗️❗️ Side note… In real life, Cassandra Peterson recently revealed she’s LGBT… Maybe she can have a 3-4’some with a few other female monsters & B-Low?


I'm aware of her personal preference, but Elvira as a character has always been male fanservice oriented. I'll figure something out.


I hope things have improved for you even a little, how’s the new place?


I've been doing therapeutic art for my self, eating home-cooked meals, sleeping well in a clean bed, getting fresh air, spending time with my mom. It's been good for me. I'm not constantly stressed out.


I would like to ask, could we possibly see a grown up Wednesday or Morticia from Addams Family in your style? At some point in the future I mean.

Minh Thanh Hoang

I agree it will take more time to be done. Pit needs somewhere else where he can work alone and very quietly.


Love the knockers!