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Got a late start today. Here's my stopping point for the night. I'll work on the coloring tomorrow morning. I'm trying to avoid the temptation to stay up all night trying to finish this because it'll ruin my sleep schedule and I'll feel like garbage for a couple days. I hope every one is having a nice start to their weekend.





I can't wait to see it colored. X3


Superb. Thanks for the update

PSN: Kalil86

Seems like you like this particular character, have you decided to give her H'core treatment in the future?


The mother daughter duo for some reason whets my whistle. Slutwriter so far has introduced a pair of duos that I like a lot. God help us if he continues this trend. I've got an idea for the Herrons venturing off to a gym to score some dick. We'll see. I'm bad about starting too many projects and under delivering on them. I think I'm going to create a poll for all patrons to vote on a couple projects I currently have interest in and let them decide.


Awesome job! Thanks for keeping us in the loop and sharing your progress! At least you got the inking out of the way. Coloring has got to be a lot more fun. I think a lot of people are excited about seeing Jane and Jen come to life in your art. Do you think you'll be doing something with them and John or maybe have them conquer some other giant dicks along the way?

Devin Dickie

Your line work and body choices are peerless... you always have the best perspective of soft flesh denting and hard flesh texture.


A comic of these two is pretty much asked for! The FOCUS IS on them RIGHT NOW!!


Excellent work. I was concerned from the pencils that her design wouldn't match her description but I am happy to say my fears were totally unjustified. As a fan of muscular women I am really looked forward to more of her. I also am very happy to hear your new work ethic is bearing fruit. Pushing yourself as you pointed out only hurts you in the long run as you pointed out. You are also delivering on what you promise and the new payment upon completion method is a very sensible choice. In short it looks like our patience with you is paying off, as we knew it would. Keep it up!

Devin Dickie

I may be way OFF BASE, but will you ever do any sissy cuckold scenarios?




Have to again agree with everything Ink says...and I have to say that I have felt that Kitty in her boy toy outfit needs WAY more use for a VERY long time! She looks So Delicious in that outfit, especially in the set of pinups you did of her greeting the Delivering man at the door for her package with my favorite pinup being the one where she receives her/his package between those juicy tits of hers...the Fuck Coffee pinup as I like to call it!


Good art, good work!!! You best!!!!!💗💗💗