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I've been working on sketches for the end of the month charge. I haven't forgotten about the past charged posts, those are getting finished first. The end of the month post (Likely Jane Herron's character sheet) will be a finished piece since I've scrapped the idea of charging up front entirely. It was a bad decision in hindsight to start the patreon with that model since I have a tendency to be scatter brained and work on random things. 

Oh, and my birthday is tomorrow. I'm halfway to retirement age. Yay, me! 

Apologies again for the radio silence. I want to always bring new art to you when I update. My tendency to doubt my self bleeds over into thinking you don't want to hear anything other than, "Here's some new work. Enjoy." So I've got that to work on too. I should just pick a day to do an update regardless of what's done. Should we say Wednesdays? Wednesdays are boring, maybe I can change that for you all.

And since I won't have anything to show you until this weekend likely, Have a wonderful Turkey Day and have fun with your family or whatever you decide to do, enjoy it.




Nice to hear, hope you enjoy your Turkey day as well.

Florida's Son Shines

Happy early Birthday man, in case I forget to come back to the page tomorrow.


Happy birthday, broseph.


Happy birthday man, make a wish


Happy early birthday

PSN: Kalil86

Enjoy your birthday, get some action!


Happy Birthday and cheers for the update. Keep on trucking man good luck with everything


HBD! Enjoy your share of turkey, ham, potatoes, and everything else!


Happy birthday! No worries!

Jay Dot

Happy birthday


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Have a great holiday too PiT!

Hero ComiXXX

Happy b'day! Wednesdays are perfect 👌 HUMPDAY couldn't be a better day to get news from you!


happybday u fucker happy native american slaughter day


Happy, b-day, Turkey day, and look forward to hearing more chatter and such from you.


Happy birthday


oh good! serry for thankin dis way, but da way it seemed ta me.. seemed ya were dead... (im not one ta wish ill will on anyone, but can happen).. enjoy yer birfday homie. ..


Happy Birthday and have a pleasant Thanksgiving


Happy Birthday <3


Happy birthday and a Happy Thanksgiving!

Devin Dickie

Happy Birthday, PITT!!

per arvidsson

happy birthday and all the best to you


¡Feliz cumpleaños!


Happy B'day Pit, keep on truckin' bud. All the best :)


Congratulations on completing another lap around the sun! Here's hoping for a Happy Thanksgiving for ya! And a Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Patrons too!


happy birthday

Black Ronin

Happy belated birthday


Happy birthday Pit. I like to hear anything. :)


Shit, My birthday is 11/23 also


Lol, geez, same day of birth. Keep it up, man.

Angel Uriel

Happy belated birthday boss.