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Here's something to chew on. I haven't done a walk cycle in a long time. I think it turned out alright and I learned a few things along the way. If I ever correct some of the flaws and polish this up and make it really nice I would consider charging for it. I've got one more to show you that's very similar. Hold on to your butts. 




First to say : awesome


This is great!

Wolfman Jones

Wow Pit, this is great!!


I think this turned out really well. The way her crucifix sways and bounces as she moves is a great touch.


Sweet lord yes! I was wondering if they would show up! I got my answers!!! X3


Super excited to see animations like this. Would love if they get finished. Looking forward to the inevitable pin ups.




you god


Holy shit, I thought I'd never see glorious Kandi ever again!


Good secondary motion on the breasts, thought the hair is strobing a bit, particularly in the back. There's a bit of strobing going on in the hips as well...I feel like you maybe needed another frame or too in there. Other than that, good consistancy n the volumes, good motion in the legs, and solid timing. You can feel the weight, and the action is smooth and consistant! The secondary motion on the necklace is fantastic too! This is great work!

Scumroot jude

Kandi has been a favorite of mine for a while


The bounce in the chest and movement of the necklace is fantastic! But the crease in the ass when it flexes is also nice!


Oh man! I would LOVE to see a lot more of Kandi Kane :)


Don't think I didn't notice that cute smirk in there!! ;)


I cheated a bit using tweens in photoshop. I just didn't want to spend a ton of time for a test animation. Now that I know people are welcoming of these being finished I will take your notes and really polish it up.

Angel Uriel

Hold on to your butts? Nope. I'd like to hold on to her butt.

Tamara S.

Animation must be a lot of fucking work, but I love getting to see your lewd girls in motion. So hawt to see that sexiness come to life. <3


The only thing I dislike about animation is how long it takes to produce. And the better the quality of it, the longer it takes. That said, I've always thought that your art and stories would be so much better if they were animated. Clearly, what you need is an army of animators and a few racks of rendering gear in your pocket!


I like the animations as well and wouldn't mind seeing Pit explore it more, but I still think his comic pages are his bread and butter. The still images let the viewer's imagination take over and fill in the blanks which can actually make things better. This aspect tends to get lost a bit in animation, kind of like the difference between reading a book and watching a movie.


84 likes definitely suggests Pit has very good reason to pursue animations. This is one of the most liked creations to date, and he didn't even charge us for it. He is obviously very talented and has an exemplary knack for it.


Don't know about you guys but I'd love to see extended animations. It's why I've been spreading the word about Pit's patreon, hoping it continues to burgeon and he can create an empire that yields fully animated projects, adapting his comics and also venturing into 3D. Imagine VR Coxville! Ok I got to calm down now lol!