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Part of me wants to keep quiet and just stay in my lane and do my own thing but I'm tired and my back hurts from carrying this around for so long. I find it difficult to continue in this profession when I'm orbited by leeches. What's the point of continuing when people will trace your work and pass it off as theirs? What's the point of sharing ideas that you want to make reality with your subscribers when others pounce on them like hyenas? Kennycomix is just Johnpersons 2.0. Pegasus traces entire comics of mine and even uses my characters. It's so frustrating. "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" is not for me. I'm not here to be flattered. Please fuck off and get your own ideas. Please fuck off and create your own characters and worlds. Please fuck off and learn to draw on your own. I'll even dedicate a "How To" in your name so you can figure out how to draw with out tracing countless images other people have produced.

Life has been rough for me and I've found it hard to execute my ideas in a timely fashion. I know many of you feel the same way, annoyed with infrequent posting, ideas left rotting on the vine. Believe me, my internal dialog echoes those sentiments daily. I hear it constantly from my own brain. Watching some hack trace work I did 5 years ago at an alarming rate and cashing in on it on patreon no less. Real neat. Cool stuff. Seeing some "producer" pay very talented artists to work on ideas I haven't gotten to yet but shared publicly, or even started on. Sick idea, bud. Where'd you come up with that one?

So I'm left with why bother? I'm already at the point of having to push through mental garbage to just sit down and work. Realizing that it's just going to be picked over and cannibalized by the most talentless hacks makes it even harder to find the will to make any of it a reality for you to enjoy.

I just wanted to get my feelings out there to maybe make some sense of what's going on with me. I appreciate that I had the opportunity to pave my own way working for my self and being independent but I didn't expect that other "creators" would be so dependent on me for style, proportions, aesthetics, themes, concepts, line work, poses, etc etc etc

Rant over. I'm going to jump around between continuing works this month at random. There will be more Damballah Island stuff since summer is coming to an end. I genuinely love my patrons. You're all encouraging and you've granted me a dream job. And don't you dare bother the people I've mentioned. Guaranteed they'll see it.

Maybe I'm out of line for bringing it up but I have zero fucks left to give.



Just putting this out there, but have you considered becoming a producer on top of being an artist? You've mentioned that you're struggling to put out material and you have a ton of ideas that probably won't be completed any time soon, so hiring a productive artist or two whose work you appreciate could be to your benefit. You have the name, you have the characters, you have the ideas. The fans of your work would see your ideas come to fruitition, you'd be compensated, your characters would at least be drawn by artists who you personally consider talented, and I wouldn't be surprised if people currently subbed to some of those artists and producers you dislike would then sub to you since the real deal would be available and actually providing new material steadily.


This is like a grand vision of a better me. I cannot multitask, coordinate people, or manage roles. I'm not a producer in the sense that they provide the money and choose who works on a project. Hypothetically I'd hire Slutwriter to write and direct. What he's done with Rabies with his Size Queen story is amazing. If I was going to produce anything it would be a full length 3D adult animation. Something people could purchase. No subscription model. Pull some Pixar or video game animators and modelers and set them loose on a well written script with defined shots. It's too much work and too many people for a guy that can't even let someone ink or color his work without thinking it's just not right.


Well ll say that I've noticed immigrations and rip off all over the internet but I never enjoy them because even tho they are trying to steal something and make it something to profit off of, in my opinion it ain't gunna work cause we can tell when it's your actual work being published because it's a clean polished draft, and not some over erased quickly thrown up half ass post that I've been noticing... And honesty if that's the stuff your worried about... Dude 😎 your good man... Artists of every genre have people constantly bite their style and try to take a trend as their own... But the original has to know that they are the trendsetter... And if anything feel pitty for those who are unoriginal and unprofessional because that's their hustle... They don't have one of their own so they are trying to be someone who they can never be because your the OG... The grandmaster the nut busting thrasher.... Keep it up and forget about giving focus to those begging for attention cause youll only ever make it by continuing to be you and bust out shit that we know is truly from you man.


I don't mind people imitating my style or subject matter. In fact I like seeing work from other people that's comparable. What I don't like is when people trace my work, pass it off as theirs. What I don't like is people using my characters for profit without even asking for a blessing or permission. Tracing is part of learning to draw. I've done it before to learn Kevin Taylor's style. I've never shown it because it's not for sharing and it was decades ago. Using other characters in the erotic realm is common place but it should always be done to pay respect to the creator, not to make a buck off of the name.