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Here's the final product for last months only charged post. I'll be putting up the larger version for the higher tier patrons momentarily. Feedback as always is welcome. I've got three weeks to get the BBG cover, Hot Meal page 1, and Snow White's bimbo pinup done. Those are all of the things that patrons have paid for. Once I'm at that point, any new finished work will be a charged post (excluding the remaining promised pieces, Power Girl page 4 and Masquerade).

I think this is a reasonable deadline to meet and I'm looking forward to getting caught up. 




Glad to hear you've got more to come. Always love your work


I should also add, I'll be re-evaluating the projects that have been started so far. Which one's do I ditch for a while? Which ones do I focus on primarily? Should I start something new entirely and consider the work so far an exercise? Should I focus on simple pinups or comic pages? Should the comic pages be part of a larger story or just short fun ideas?


*puts on fake mustache* I think you should focus primarily on illustrating further scenes from Chapter 3 of this "Racist Blondes Go Black" story as the author, whoever he is, seems to be a talented genius. Or perhaps this mystery author could find some time to flesh out some of your existing character designs into a larger story. Anyway, this looks great. I can almost imagine the racist invective spewing from her mouth as she gets fucked six ways from Sunday.


This is fucking Awesome! Those thighs are amazing, she definitely does her squats! Sexy as fuck! And if you're looking for a real life version of Vivian(or maybe her daughter) you might want to check this chick out. <a href="https://www.instagram.com/brisa.porto/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/brisa.porto/</a>


Glad to hear you are getting caught up! She looks ready for what's coming to her, looks super sexy! Amazing work!


Thanks for the update brotha! Keep up the good work as always and if you ever need help lol, just holla!!


You would be able to get Hot Meal out the quickest since it's already sketched out.


As always, it's awesome :)

Trigga Triz

Need more titfucks


Obviously I don’t speak for everyone, but I think your best and most well-liked work is that which features original characters with situations that develop over a short scenario. It needn’t be complex, because I think you can lose your way with big projects, but it’s more powerful than standalone pinups, which generally tantalise rather than fulfil, however good they are. There is certainly no shortage of stories out there for you to adapt and use; I am personally less a fan of where you take comic characters that already exist and eroticise them (I don't really care about a bimbo Snow White, for example - I'd rather the invention came directly from you). This finished picture is unbelievably good, and while it obviously took a long time to make the results are fantastic. I would advocate you try to stick with this style for a bit – but obviously with more hardcore pictures.


Cartoons. Just cartoons


Ms Porto looks like she was ripped right out of the pages a Pit comic! A little like Denise Fagerberg!