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Here you go! Hi-res will be going up in a minute. Enjoy!





Bad ass PiT!!


The difference between the flat colors and the addition of the club lighting.. just... wow. Nicely fucking done, man!


Thank you! I tried something different with some heavy rim lighting and soft shading to accentuate focal areas. There's very little shading used to denote shape. It's done mostly with consistent specular highlights.


I'm gonna stick my neck on the line and make the claim that with the lighting effects, facial expressions and plot delivering dialogue this is your best pin up ever. Keep on keeping on dude


You are the BEST erotic artist around.


And now, after all these years, I know what was inside the Maltese Falcon. This is what dreams are made of.

The Overlord of Ice

The art is amazing as always but the style of the write is a little hard to read, at least for me


Insane artwork as always! I'm curious though--with regard to story, there's a jump from late afternoon into late night. Will we be seeing the *er-hem* conclusion to the bull & bimbo cove segment?

Obie The Creator

This is some excellent stuff. Instantly reminded me of old school Kevin J. Taylor work...I'm pretty sure he's an influence to your style. IDK how you do it, but keep doing it! lol

PSN: Kalil86

Great!, I hope to see more of Bianca in the future... We would like to see that huge ass in some action. Kudos Pit.


Awesome work! So what's next for Bianca? There has to be a sex scene right?


This is the Pit I remember and signed up for. I'm growing more and more fond of the way your style has evolved over time. This is some of your best work to date. Especially the last panel is god-tier.


This is what we're talking about! Great job Pit! Your art is so perfect and unique.


Simply breathtaking. My favorite so far!


absolutely perfect


10/10 well worth the wait


Yeah, Pit has mentioned KJT being among his first inspirations. Gotta love Boy Blue and Marty. =)


Holy hell! Incredible!!!


Welcome to the club, Dev. Haven't seen you comment before. =)