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Hey everyone! I'm in good spirits and ready to knock out some comic pages but before I get to them I wanted to share what I couldn't on Tuesday due to time constraints and garbage internet. So with out any more delays, here's Club Slut (Thinking about naming her Bambi?) as a 3D sculpt. I can get into details about how I made her if anyone is interested but for now I just want to get feedback on what you think of her so far. She's missing hands, I know. It's not that I can't sculpt hands. The other models I've made have beautiful hands, but I think I stopped working on 3D stuff around this point and never got around to finishing them. So, let me know what you think and whether or not you're interested in seeing the rest of the models in the future. Right now I need to focus on the patron pledges that I've promised people first. 





Looks like the base model for a Body By Pit™ sex doll.


Well I can say I'm definitely interested in hearing how this was put together.

PSN: Kalil86

Very cool Pit, I wouldn't mind seeing some more 3D stuff in the future.


Yes, I am interested in seeing more. 100%


Duuuuuuude... Not to sound like a dick but that's better than what I was expecting. Only because I've never seen your abilities when it came to 3D models, but this looks great! 👌 It's always hard to tell without the finished product but the face is the only thing looking a little eh, imo, but I'm sure I'll be proven wrong if you continue this. Well worth the wait


Definitely interested. It's looking great but the face is awkward.

Marco G

Hey Pit. Big fan of your art for a long time. I'm a 3D sculptor and I've actually been trying to nail one of your characters in a sculpt as well. The body looks good, but one thing I always had issues with was matching the face to your style. I think some things translate better than others. For the face, I'd say maybe make the lips smaller and round the head overall a bit more. Profile of the face works so I think it's mainly tweaking. Everything on the body works for me, though. Keep up the great art!


There's sooo much bimbo 3D stuff out there and so few good traditional 2d artists. I'd rather see you keep doing line work.


I've actually thought about making models for figurine production, probably a Kitty and Jenny set. :)


This would be something I'd think about doing a live stream of since it's easier to watch and understand than explain.


Looks amazing already, so once she has eyes and hair colored, you know it would be just incredible.


this is great!! something uncanny about the face but probably just me.


Just like the rest of your work. Awesome


Nice job pit, great work, keep it up!


The body looks really good, but something seems off on the face. Maybe it's just the base without any color, but it is unattractive at this stage. Look forward to seeing more but definitely prefer 2d at this point.


Now this is a challenge indeed. I wish I can offer advice but I am not a expert in 3d models even though I am a computer science major. XD But awesome to see you go outside your norm. =D


This is Awesome! A few people mentioned the face looking a bit off, but I actually like it, I think it just looks weird all being the same color, but I'm sure once we get some skin tone and eyeballs it will look amazing, haha. It's really cool that you were able to make this 3D model but still keep your signature style. I was kind of expecting a typical poser model or something like that. But anybody that looks at this and knows your work would immediately know it's done by you. Great Job man, and good luck with whatever it is you're working on next!

The Overlord of Ice

Hello im new here and i have a few questions, are the rest of your work in John Persons page? and you still work on that page?


Thanks, Karl! The entire model was done in Sculptris starting with a round ball. There are different pieces that I tried to blend together with the rest of the model, like the legs and breasts. I'm glad you like the face. I know it's exaggerated to match the character design, but sometimes it's not for everyone. You are correct that it'll look a lot more life like when everything isn't just a shiny peach color. I'll probably use Blender for retopology and the various other steps to get the model to a point that it's ready to animate. I haven't decided on this specific model since I have about 6 more characters to show I think. I'll probably show those next month.


I say you should put this up on amazon and see if anyone buys it .. its great art !!!!!


I think there is a fine line between being too much life like or comic style. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley</a> . The other followers concern might be out of this. This uncanny valley problem can also arise in the concept of rendering and lighting.


awesome, but the bewbs seem a little large, IMO


I don't think it will really apply until we can see the colored/skinned finish at least. Style can make a big difference. Admittedly, I prefer 2D over 3D by no small margin. I cannot even think of any 3D artists I really like, can you? I know there are good ones out there. I'm not a hater or anything when it comes to 3D. I'm actually optimistic about it, and I have to wonder maybe the reason that I along with so many other skeptics haven't been as impressed by 3D yet is because it hasn't had an artist like Pit really put his thumbprint on it yet. Style makes a big difference. Artistry makes a big difference. If Pit proves to be half as good at 3D as he is at 2D, then it will already be an improvement over the vast majority of the 3D content I've seen out there. I hope that makes sense. =)


Nice but I prefer your usual 2d works.

Hero ComiXXX

looks awesome! I would love to see the rest of the models too! Great job!


I'm not a fan of 3d stuff. I become your patron for your comics and pinups not animations or 3d models.


The jaw is a bit too "strong" for my liking, but maybe with shadows and stuff it'll look different. I prefer softer oval faces, but that's just me. Overall the body looks really good!


More of your classic 2D works please :)


It's funny. Looking at the 3d Model, it reminds me of just how much makeup plays a part in making up the "bimbo" look. Or hell, in anybody's desired look.


What Pyro said is exactly how I feel about your new direction. You're a great traditional 2D artist and I hope you won't transfer to 3D in the future. Well, of course it's your decision, but honestly I know at least some of us would be disappointed.


is it easier to animate in 3d than in 2d?


It's good work and your style is clearly recognisable in this model. But I prefer your 2D stuff.


Pit im a huge fan also srry for the bother but you are a great artist and a cool dude and i would love to see more of work. Also i think the 3d club slut model is amazing she has good features and textures and the model just wows me cant wait to see what else you may have in store for the future.


This is impressive. As it's some of your first explorations in to 3D work I feel it's a good idea, as a fan and customer, to share my feedback and hopefully, constructive critisisms. I hope you find it helpful. I think the body, on a whole is really good. The tummy, the bubble butt etc. Look great. The boobs, even though they are awesome look very fake (I guess it depends on the character, I always assumed these girls were just gifted). They look Ball like and high up, however if you were to simply add a bra or supportive top to this they would be fine. I think naked they look plastic -maybe adding a subtle, more natural droop would help? I agree with previous comments about the face. Maybe with skin tone, makeup etc will soften it but I feel it's currently looking very harsh. Again, like extreme plastic surgery. I realise that it's an interpretation of a comic book style but it does look a little ott. I don't feel like your 2D characters have that level of bone structure. Perhaps it's just a case of softening jaws and cheekbones etc? Adding a drop of realism? Overall however you've done a v good job of adding an extra dimension to club slut especially as I'm sure it's no easy process. Personally I'm currently more hyped about your 2D work however I'm interested in seeing more 3D especially a coloured version and a clothed version. Not to mention the Summers girls :)


This model is really impressive! I definitely think you should move in to 3D. You'll be able to produce animations really quickly. I think the most impressive aspect of the model is the face, the detail and proportions are really sophisticated. The model on the whole seems really advanced. You can always keep your drawings involved with concept art and produce 3D videos. This seems like the next step for you. Let's see the other models too!


Looks great! I would love to know more about how you made this.


Nice work Pit, very hot. Wondering if you are actually going to be continuing Club Slut 2 or doing another feature with her. I read somewhere that you couldn't touch it for legal reasons or something but after seeing this, I am second guessing and really hoping that's not the case :)


Wow, it's astonishing how well you've captured your unique style in 3d! I'm very interested in the tools you used, they didn't hold you back at all. 2d vs 3d, just roll with your passion man


You should make an animation


Wow I'm impressed, way to go! Can't wait to see it finished. Yup, you should definitely give 3D a try.


I love what I'm seeing already

Explosive Plastic

Damn, dude, I've seen other awesome artists transition to doing some 3D, but never like this. Are you just amazing at everything? Originally I was against the idea, but I'm definitely warming up to it. Still, I don't wanna ever stop seeing your 2D work~


Yeah, some people might not be able to appreciate it without the colors applied yet, but I've tried my hand at 3D modeling and what Pit's done here is a lot more than just using Poser and modifying stock models. These are sculpted from scratch and just look at the detail on the labia. And the curves are so elegant.


The program I used is Sculptris. It's free but was bought up by the Pixologic the people that developed Zbrush. It's a bare bones 3D sculpting program. There are limitations but fortunately these sculpts can be exported into other more advanced programs to get perfected.


Yeah, I'm not sure why people think I'd quit doing 2D because I started doing 3D. Thanks for the vote of confidence.


That's great. May I treat your words as a declaration that you'll give us the promised complete works on Damballah and Hot Meal before the end of this month?


I'm greedy! I want it all! 2D, 3D, animation whatever!


Looks good, how will the hair turn out?


Good question. I haven't really looked into hair physics. I know there are different ways of doing it but I'd have to experiment with them to figure out which process fit the best.

troy baker

bloody awesome stuff


AbsoFuckingLutely....I want to see them ALL in 3D Sculpts. Bambi is a good name for that Slut...Bambi the Club Slut, or even better...Bambi the BBC Club Slut!! I would love to see all of your models or at least the ones you have already done, in 3D sculpted. That is a Great idea by the way!!!