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Here's a little sketch update for you guys. I'll have some interesting stuff to share tomorrow including a couple 2D test animations and if I can manage to salvage them, some previews of the 3D models I worked on a while ago. I'm seriously considering moving into 3D animations and modeling at this point. It's always intrigued me and I think, as some others have said, animation would be the next step to bringing my characters to life. We'll see what you think tomorrow.





Does this mean that this month we won't see the finished Damballah page and the Hot Meal page?


No, that's not what I meant at all. These other things are being shared because I shouldn't keep work locked up just because I might not think it's the best thing I've ever done. I plan on finishing both of those before the end of the month. I'm sharing the 2D animation and the 3D stuff to get feedback.


I think you produce great 2D art. If working in 3D is something you are interested in, you should go for it! I'm sure it'll turn out great.

PSN: Kalil86

3D stuff is indeed the next step, there is another fellow that does some interesting 3D work... Nick Cockman, check him out.


I prefer more comic pages and pinups rather than animations.


niice. i remember a 360 spinning sketch of kitty and jenny and you seem like you have what it takes to make some bomb ass 3D artwork.


Ayayay, is Kitty in a tube dress? Have we seen that before on a pit babe? It's such a staple of the bimbo wardrobe. HOT!

steve scibelli

your work in 3-d animation?.....Yes!!


Please instead of animations can we get more pinups and comics?


I know that you're gonna do whatever you feel is best for you and your art, but for what it's worth I really think you should keep 2d pinups and comics as your focus, because you're not just one of the best at it, but THE best imo.


Yaaaaaaaassssss bitches! I love the sketch. Pit you da best!


Animations look awesome, but I do hope there will always be your 2d stuff. it looks great!


You might want to talk to the folks over at Affect3D. They can at least tell you what kind've rig works best, software, etc. I do know that it's a lot more time-consuming, and the learning curve is pretty steep. You have to get into lighting design, and animation is an art all to itself.


If you have the time and enthusiasm to go 3D, your already unique and high quality art would evolve to a whole new level. Super exciting stuff!


Is Cockman back to producing stuff? I used to follow him but he stopped making stuff a while back. He was one of the best at using TK17. It's a cool program but its kind of limiting on what you can do with it and how creative you can be with the characters. Cool Avatar by the way.


Awesome Sketch! Looks like they're having a pretty good time, haha.


So what's the story behind the pics, curious mostly and excited to see what you have in mind.


any chance we can see the girls pre bimbo and bimbo Sometime


I know you probably you want to evolve but i actually think you should stick to 2d cause your pinups and comics are class S. In the end its all up to you. Keep up the good work!

PSN: Kalil86

Shit.... Bianca is looking thick as hell in a basket, looking forward to the final art Pit.


Too true. Girlfriends 4 Ever is my favorite 3D animation vid from them


It would be super hot if Kitty's outfit had a big open cirlce in the middle like your bimbo Power girl cause her outfit is a super turn on!


Hey Pit have you ever made a Hooters pinup?


Loving the look of Jennys outfit, skin tight and then some


Lol "Tomorrow" in Pit time is a week


To be fair, he delivered the 2D test animations the very next day, and the 3D preview gallery two days later.


Fair enough. Time doesn't register with me since I'm an immortal consciousness wandering the internet. Once humans have developed a suitable robotics platform for me to inhabit I'll make my escape. But seriously, I'm trying to get better about my output. As long as we can keep it at poking fun of my shortcomings and it doesn't turn into "you're a piece of shit liar and scam artist because you didn't deliver the porn on time", I can take the criticism.


3 Sexy ladies all BBC'd up...Gonna be Amazing!!!