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Sorry for the lack of updates at the start of the month. 4th of July weekend was for family.

I should have this page colored and lettered tomorrow and then I can move back to Damballah Island Diaries. I'm feeling good about knocking things out this month.





Honestly i just wanna see the cumshots to damballah


It looks gorgeous. Keep up the good work!

Kei Montague

Your art is always super amazeballs.


Same shit different toilet


Keep it up man, you're doing great! I like the direction you went with this story. Nice spin on a superhero story that isn't straight mind control, rape, torture or humiliation.


Looks great. Can't wait for the version with text, as the story looks compelling.


From this page it's looking like we won't see any action with regular Power Girl, just the bimbo version. That's disappointing. Power Girl is known for her big tits. I still don't understand why she had to be bimbofied in the first place. She's already hot.


Just want finished work...... I guess


I have not read any of the Power Girl comics, but if I'm imagining her personality the right way then I don't think she would be interested in sex with anyone except a romantic partner in her base form. The bimbo transformation is mental as much as it is physical and will make her more receptible to sexing up villains and strangers.


I just really enjoy the twisting turning of the face up in the transformation sequence in the upper right. It's just cool looking.


There are plenty of ways her personality could've been changed without turning her into completely different character.


I wonder if she will be aware she is "bimbofied" and humiliated as she acts out sexually with her new physical persona? Her lips are luscious!


Damballah! Coxville! Jenny! Kitty! Bianca !(?) Can't wait. BTW, are you ever planning to do anything with Lowbeam and the girls he was pictured with in your pinups? I realize you already have a lot on your plate. I've just always wondered what the story with them was going to be.


The bimbofication really seems to be taken to the extreme in this... I'm actually more intrigued by Power Girl in her basic form. It's sort of interesting to see how Pit's style has changed over the years... If you look at first pages of Hunt for Big Black Cock till the last couple of pages, the girls go from looking fairly natural to being really bimbofied... not sure how I feel about the thrice-the-size-of-her-head boobs... But I still think the art is gorgeous. I just hope that maybe one day, we'll get a pic of a girl who has body proportions that are slightly close to something normal. Nevertheless, still loving the art, and look forward to seeing this page colored.


Well I can't speak for anybody else but I personally can't wait for the removal of that tiny bit of fabric and seeing her get schtupped senseless.


So those must be poppy flowers, and the river of forgetfulness... I'm digging the thought put into this.


Jesus Angelo would it kill you to say something positive for.once


There's no doubt that the Pit's skills has improved drastically over the years... and they were good to begin with. His linework, colors and composition all get progressively better with each piece. So there's no questioning of the man's skill, on my end. I still dig the Pits art... wouldn't be here if I didn't. As for "original" and "interesting" always being better than "real"... a sail with three big holes in it is interesting.... but it's not a good sail... and certainly not better than a real sail with no holes in it.... When it comes down to it, it's all just about personal opinion and subjective assessement. And I prefer relatability and realism over originality any day of the week. But I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree :-)


Are you his fucking publicist or something? Every time there's a negative comment I can always count on seeing a response from you. I actually have left positive comments, but I know you only focus on the negative ones so I get why you'd overlook them.


I haven't commented on anything in weeks, and if I was his publicist I'd just have him draw a pic of you two fucking since you seem to love riding the dudes ass so much.


He could also do a picture of him fucking you, since you love riding his dick so much. Please tell me how I'm riding his ass, because I actually haven't left a negative comment in a while.


Alright Angelo, I understand you're upset but name calling doesn't help. Sorry I said those rude things to you, I just feel you're kind of being unfair to the artist you're supposed to be supporting by ragging on everything he does, but that's your prerogative and I'm ready to move on if you are.


Well it takes a pretty small person to respond to an apology like that.


Are you serious man? You know that apology wasn't always there, you just edited your comment. The comment that was there before definitely wasn't an apology. When did I ever start name calling and how do i rag on everything he does? Like I said before I have left positive comments and its actually been a while since I left any negative ones. We're allowed to give constructive criticism, we don't have to just blindly love everything he does.


Beautiful work!!!