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Sorry for the radio silence. No excuses. Just preoccupied with things and taking a break. I had a few nights of anxiety attacks which isn't common for me. I just felt completely overwhelmed by all of the recent changes in my life. I've just been trying to take care of my self and fix my sleep schedule.

This sketch might give away some of the plot but I'm hoping in the next few days it will make more sense. I've got to get better about layer organization when I do these multiple page sketches in a single file. 

Expect more updates this week.





I am enjoying how this is turning out. X3 You are excused from Radio Silence. XD


this is Epic !!!!!!! wow :D


It's looking good, coming along nicely. Take your time bro, smooth is fast and fast IS smooth. Never forget that


You update a heck of a lot more often than some of the Patreons I've subbed to in the past. You're solid Pitt.


Loving the work, man. Keep it up!


Sorry to hear about the stuff happening to you.


Bold work. Rest up and take your time.


You can rig a light with one of those timers so that the light turns on before you want to wake up (the light is a more reliable way of waking you up than an alarm). You can reset your circadian rhythm by fasting about 12 hours and then being sure that when you wake up around the time you want to, you eat a high protein breakfast.


Have we skipped page 2? Or is that still being colored?


The hype growth with every update always excuses the wait inbetween (even though the increased hype makes the wait even more unbearable) In short, good work as always and keep taking your time.


Glad to see you're still here. Was worried for a moment. The most important thing is that you manage to put out stuff even on the days you don't feel the greatest. I don't expect every work you do to be superior to the next, nobody can reasonably expect a person to be at 100% productivity and creativity at any time. I don't want you to expect that out of yourself either. If people only worked on the days they felt 100% capable they would only work a couple of days a week. I'll trust you to feel for yourself when you can reasonably do something, and cross my fingers that you will act on those days.


Amazing Is that sea giant a dc character?


I second that. I don't mind waiting cause I know the work will be incredible. But the wait is tough because the wrok is always worth it. :P


I'm actually gonna try the fasting thing. That sounds like something that could work for me. Thanks!


Don't over exert yourself, personal health always comes first

Jam Max

Carry on!! We all are with you!! you are the best!! take your time that you consider necesary, we will be here waiting for you and your awesome art!! CHEERS UP!!


Saying he might have a disorder is going a little too far. For all we know, you'd have some sleepless nights as well if you were in the same situation.


I have paranoid syndrome and have been struggling with it for almost 13 years. My delusion was/is that there is an organization in the world which forces or leads the way for the people with paranoid or schizo affinities to the doctors to seek help. I even believed that there is a second layer of information hidden within cultural establishments of popular society.(for ex radioheads sond paranoid android and karma police defines the world from theperspective of a paranoid person.) Well whatever, I am getting rid of my delusional egocentric point ofview at last with the help of two things. First of all, medication and a trusted doctor. The second is learning yourself and life experience. I can at last see the light at the end of the tunnel. I recommend you to do the same. Seek professional help, accept your current situation as it is and seek medical and psychological help.


It doesn't sound insane. I'm going to do some research and look at professionals in the area.


"Expect more updates this week." Wouldn't it be easier on you to just release completed Hot Meal pages? It seems like you're starting all these other projects from scratch, but you already have multiple pages of Hot Meal sketched out. They just have to be inked and colored, right?


Not sure if he has multiple pages done. I seem to remember Pit saying that he's done test coloring on a few panels of a few pages. In all honesty, I'd rather he focus on completing the Power Girl pages and the Damballah pages that we're still owed. Since he's already released one of each, it means there's still two Damballah Island pages to go.... one for May and one for June, if I remember correctly... and we're still due... 3 (?) Power Girl pages... If he could just complete those then he'd be up to speed (except for that one free-of-charge Monster Madness page that was promised... but I honestly don't think we'll ever see that one... and I'd rather he focused on paid content). The lack of updates over the last week (not saying it has to be art, but just a word on how progress is going) has me worried. I hope the Pit is all right...


He has mentioned in the past that he had the hot meal comic all sketched out. And I agree with you, the lack of interaction in the last couple weeks is a bit worrying. He started out the month so well, and then went right back to his old ways of disappearing for weeks at a time. He did make a post on his tumblr account yesterday, so there's that... Maybe we'll get a status update before the week is out...


There was an extra Powergirl and Monster Madness page promised, but I think we should just forget about those. That leaves 2 Powergirl pages and 2 Damballah island pages. Plus the months coming to an end so you can add at least one charged post to that list. It just seems like at the rate things are going, he'll never get caught up, so finishing those sketched out Hot Meal pages might make it easier on him. At least make the future charged posts Hot Meal pages.


That's not a bad idea Angelo. A comic with his most popular characters as his main project that he uses for the charged posts. (I would also love to know how things are going with Scratch inking some of his works?) Then he can still work on some of the other stuff as side projects from time to time to keep from burning out. I'd still like him to switch to a system with flat pledges rather than charging per post, but, for whatever reason, he seems to not want to do this. It just seems like he is constantly setting himself up for failure with this current system of charging first and delivering the art later....


Awesome! Thanks for that, it's well appreciated. Hope you're doing alright Pit!

Wolfman Jones

Actually more concerned with our artist here than getting weekly updates. Pit, if you're doing well then take as long as you need, bro.


Although last month's votings were a joke, due to one lasting only 2 hours, ending before most of us even had a chance to see it and another with candidates picked by minority of your supporters, but at least there were some. Only few days are left till the end of the current month with no voting in sight. Sorry for speaking so harshly, but I just had to say it. I've been waiting patiently the whole month hoping that finally something will change, but it's still the same as it was in March, April, May...


Hey Pit. Glad to hear from you. Hope you're doing well. Can we expect an update concerning future releases this week?

PSN: Kalil86

Pit, don't bite off more than you can chew... Ease yourself into your workload, I'm sure this is way different than when you're contributing to JP's website. This is YOURS!!! I e-mailed Kevin Taylor many years ago, and he was struggling to make ends meet and still finish the final chapter of his GIRL series. This was before social media and crowdfunding applications, I'm sure he's still in Spain doing better since I consider him a great artist overall. And so are you!


I hit funks periodically. Right now I'm finishing up the coloring on page two for the Power Girl comic.


I appreciate the feedback, but there's nothing stopping you from making a helpful suggestion on what should be voted on. You even have the opportunity here to create your own poll and post them. It's hard enough doing all of this on my own. If you see a way to help feel free to do so. That goes for anyone that wants to. You have the opportunity here to part of the creative process. Take it.


I've thought that the votings were supposed to be about the pledged works. Without knowing what are your plans for the next month it's impossible to think of the poll ideas. I don't think I can create a post on your page with the poll link visible only for the $5 pledges.


I do my best to keep an eye on everything that gets posted. Every comment is important to me. So if you post it anywhere you can and I think it's worth using, I'll use it. I can take care of making it a top tier pledge poll.


Been patiently waiting to see Powergirl get Powerfucked by Darkseid!!! This is gonna be Epic!!!