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Sorry for the long wait. No excuses. I hope you enjoy the build up. Tomorrow I'm going to move on to DIDs and crank out a hardcore page. I sometimes forget that's why you're all here. :P





Hey I love this stuff. The hardcore is great, but building up to it is better. And personally I'd rather see this Power Girl defiled and fucked rather than the bimbo one.


Heretic bimbo's are Pits gift to man. Also is still be paying if he just did bimbo comics his art is that good.


This is Fantastic! The buildings turned out well, haha. I have to agree with Pyro, I always enjoy a good story to go along with the smut. Keep up the great work! I was wondering though, did you employ the help of Scratch with the inking in this one? Or is this all you? Either way it looks great.

Cypher Three

Kinda reminds me of that old Justice League/Justice Society crossover, Virtue and Vice, where seven heroes were possessed by the personifications of the seven deadly sins. Naturally, Power Girl was possessed by Lust.


Pit that's amazing ! Top notch work! Helluva lot better than what you see in comics now.


Lets see how it plays out before dismissing the bimboized Power Girl. If nothing else, I expect the journey to be fun (for us, if not her).


Awesome as always sir!


Excellent work on the dialogue. Those buildings look nice also. This being would make a great villain in future comics.


I love it!


The direction is superb. =)


Loving the scenery and perspectives.


I love how you keep in mind the positioning in the buildings between frames. That one building with the reflective window shofts around with the perspective just as much as the Daily Planet building!


Beautiful! Stretching the cape trail makes a great visual, and as I said before, I like your color sense; I like the warmth of this. I also like the imagry of the giant black sphere mirroring the Daily Planet sphere...that's great! Keep up the good work!


Cool! :)


You should do one of these with She Hulk/Red She Hulk, or maybe Bimbo Power Girl should convert Starfire....


Print is not clear enough to read


Lovin' the Powergirl stuff!!!