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Damn this looks hot


Great work again man your work is well worth the wait ! Quick question you think we will ever get Bianca doing some naughty stuff??


Damn someone needs to get in there and make that bitch air tight! I volunteer!! Can't wait for PG getting the darksied


#can actually wait patiently without complaint


Now that is amazing ...but on the other note I think it's hilarious considering it's per page so if you don't make anything they don't get charged but hey some people can be patient others can't I for one love your work and am glad I can support it but I also know that life gets in the way sometimes but you just have to keep pushing through to the end but yeah again nice work man


This isn't how the site is ran. We are charged first, at the beginning of the month, and then promised that the pages will come sometime in the coming month . The page you are looking at now was supposed to be done in march and was paid for by patron's over 2 months ago. I, for one, am only upset with how the site is ran, not with the cost or the amount of work he is producing, and definitely not with the quality of work pit is producing. This page is awesome!


While I do agree that there are some like that if you check your pledges it's per comic page and something not once a month so while I do agree with you that if I pay I should reap my reward again that's only if I pay Plus you have to remember pit does work for other sites to and he has to try and make a lot of deadlines but again not trying to make a giant argument I just think that if people go about it in the right way they get results instead of just whining about it all the time cause let's be real if you aren't satisfied with the work don't pledge.


Pit makes posts that are technically charged posts, that do not have any art in them.(Sometimes they have a sketch or something with them) And he does this once a month, usually three of them, last month was only two, at the end of every month. These posts are then actually charged a couple days later, when pledges go through at the beginning of every month, and they are based on the promise that he will deliver the promised pages in the coming month. Are you new to this patreon?


They obviously appear to be as they have no understanding of how everything has been done. I can sort of get ThePit's angle here, getting the money at the start of the month(let's be honest here he's probably waiting a good week or so for it to process, Patreon aren't dumping it into his Paypal/Bank account ASAP)is an effort to help keep the bills paid. Everyone needs to do that. The problem is that he was promising far more than he could provide. This is why in truth, Patreon is not a good idea for your only source of income. Instead it is a good big boost to your income, and only viable otherwise when you're in a more stable situation. Now I'm not talking out of my ass here either. I'm a graphic designer and have to deal with a similar sort of situation as a contractor. Of course the difference there is I get paid AFTER I do the work.


AGAIN as I said I'm not about to start a huge debate over this and as I said if your not satisfied then don't pledge it's as simple as that stop trying to make a huge argument over this


Bottom left panel is my favorite for sure. Her mouth has a certain snake-like quality to it, almost like she would be able to dislocate her jaw to fit those enormous things down her throat. Seeing the inside of her cheek like that also adds some depth and dimension to the image. Good job!


Who's making this into a debate? I was simply trying to explain to you how this particular patreon works. (Which it still seems you don't fully understand). And as it maybe as simple as stopping ones pledge in some cases, other people have already paid for stuff that they are still waiting on. Stopping their pledge would cause them to lose out on works that they have already paid for and not yet received.


That's was mostly directed to the guy that had the rude opening in his comment but what I'm just suggesting is that if this happens so often then sometimes people just have to cut there losses cause it would be better to lose 15 than 75 dollars personally I'm just happy to support but I do understand where other people are coming from and why they are mad I just originally made the post to clarify that there are better ways to go about something than spamming comment sections about how pissed off you are about not getting your results (and yes I do remember the blank ass posts that charged ) but anyways man immature wish you a good day and safe trips


What a convenient power


Amazing work!!!