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Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I've been juggling sketches so expect something this weekend. For Friday the 13th I'm taking a day trip to see some old friends and watch Civil War. I've heard nothing but awesome reviews.

To hold you over until Saturday or Sunday, here's another sketch for Hot Meal. 





So. Fucking. Good.


Lol. Yep, that was the only outcome.


I have to agree, this is way sexier! =)


WOW! Yet again it's the attention to detail that blows my mind! Like kitty spying through the door


I just realized the top right panel i your original profile picture


I love sex by surprise. They are very funny stories that very few people work. Good Job^-^


Harold is such a loser dork. You have to wonder how he managed to land someone like Jenny.


I've seen parts of this page in color, like your tumblr avatar. So do you have a bunch of fully colored completed pages lying around or something?


Love Harold always just missing out! lol


Brilliant! Something super sexy about Jenny having to reluctantly strip and jump in the shower with a reluctant Harold. Very original, can't wait for the next page!


1. Illumi's Gladiator Bangbang (sketched and inked, colors done later this evening) 2. Masquerade's Oversized Orc Oral 3. Laquadia's Demonic Double Penetration 4. Four pages for Power Girl's Bimbo Transformation comic By your own admission, this is what patrons are owed... some of these projects go all the way back to march... We're nearly halfway through May and we've only seen the gangbang... But then there's also 2 charged posts for Damballah Island on top of all that... + it's been a very long time since a vote was taken... which is what the 5 $ pledge is all about... Throwing up Hot Meal sketches is all fine and dandy... but it rings a bit hollow when we've seen glimpses of fully colored pages of those same sketches.... It's time to get real Pit.... and before you say that life has been tough on you... I get it and I sympathize... I work 52-56 hours a week, have to take care of a terminally ill parent and I still find time for my friends and my hobbies... Life is rough on all of us. But that doesn't change the fact that, so far, you've over-promised and under-delivered...


Since I'm only donating 1 buck per post I don't really care if I only get 1 post per week. I'm supporting an artist, that's what matters most to me.


Are we ever going to see the color versions of sketches? I might be wrong but i dont think we have gotten a single full color page with text since this patreon started. Dont get me wrong im fine with you being busy and you have other responsibilities but when i pledged to you i figured i would be getting more than 1-2 sketches every fortnight.


Well said...One thing I wish he would do is maybe considering changing how things work around here. Instead of charging first and trying to meet deadlines, maybe just charge a flat rate per month and produce work at his own rate, let fans decide how much they want to donate based on how much work he's put forth. I think it might take the pressure off of him and let him just be the amazing artist that he is. People will still support him without the promise of however many pages a month. And in turn, people won't get upset when these promises don't come through. I became a supporter with the primary reason of just supporting an artist whose work I really really enjoy. But I find myself getting mad when I'm promised something only to have it pushed back, then pushed back again. I get even more upset when I realize that I've already paid for these things and they aren't being delivered. If I'm able to open up my wallet and send you money every month, then you should be able to sit down and do the work. But...I'm on this site to support him and I'm going to try to stay positive. I really hope he can turn things around and start producing at a much higher rate.


Hahaha this set piece is awesome!

John Doe

Looks awesome! Really looking forward to the full comic. Just tons and tons of pages of this comic haha


Civil War was dope. Enjoy. (Looking forward to some Black Panther, Falcon on Black Widow art eventually, *wink wink*)


Am i being charged every month?


At the beginning of every month, so yes. Pit makes it pretty clear in his posts when and what for he is charging you.

Wolfman Jones

Sure are a lot of complaints here, people seem to forget that you're getting charged FAR less than you would have on JP and getting WAY more content. Pit, keep up the good work.


People seem to forget that not all are charged $1 per post. Some of us pledged more and it's actually in many cases even more than monthly membership on JP. If we talk about content then the amount of updates on JP is couple times more than here. Just stating facts. Aside from that I'm actually happy that PiT is more active now than in previous months and I hope this trend will continue. I love his works and I'm willing to wait a bit more for his awesome art.


You also have the choice to donate less. Seriously for 3 bucks a month no one should be complaining.


Yeah, I agree that you have no such right for 3 bucks. Guess what will happen if all of us change to $1... Honestly I think for $1 you should only have access to sketches. The prize for donating $5 is inadequate to what we receive in return (voting rights).


Glad to see Pit doing more work more frequently. Can't wait to see Kitty & Jenny back in action in a full color page!


I agree with most people that are complaining, but I'll admit I never paid for any of his previous stuff, & I still regularly use it so I let it go. Lol


No, and please stop speculating. People are taking it as fact, running with it, and getting upset that I'm "holding back" on delivering work.


That bottom panel is lovely, really digging the expressions


"Here's Harry!"


I don't understand why can't you post at least sketches of your working progress. You've said it yourself that it might motivate you and help you focus on the task. At this point your 3 days per page turned into 2 weeks. Another thing is that we're still waiting for this month's polls. If the current pace continues then Damballah's drawings might be coming on November/December...


I wasn't talking about your pinups and animations. I'm literally repeating your declaration of posting one finished page from the paid posts every 3 days plus 1 day off a week. I don't want to sound ungrateful for the additional content 'cause I'm very delighted to see it, but it feels like it's done at the expanse of the main project.


And I guess we're also just supposed to ignore the fact that you still aren't delivering the work in which you have already been paid multiple thousands of dollars for. Yeah, lets all just be quiet and pretend that nothing's wrong here. Haha, real mature response, Pit.


"I'm not sure if all of these malicious comments are the most tactful approach to motivating him..." "Malicious" is a pretty strong word in this case. Pit hasn't delivered, people are calling him out on it. Nobody has been calling him names, told him that he should cut all ties to his family to prioritize his work, etc. We've just called him out on not delivering the products he has charged us for, and being less than professional about it. And that may not motivate him, but positive comments sure as hell aren't either... March came an went without Monster Madness... and everybody was like "take your time", "shit happens" and the like... April came and went... with a little bit of monster madness and no april posts (again, for which we were charged).. and people were like "well, that sucks... but I'm sure it'll get better"... Pit kept moving deadlines like "Laquadia's page will be out in the next couple of days" (this was back in... late april or early may) then it was "coming out May 8th" that's been a week and a half ago... and now people are getting a little bit irritated.. because it does seem like Pit has a problem with motivation... he's happy enough to take our money... but can't put out the work (yeah, yeah, he puts out sketches which is fine... but it's not the multiple panel colored comic pages or series of fully colored pin-ups that we paid for)... Positive response isn't motivating him... maybe negative response will... "can’t just pick up a pen and start creating things out of thin air. On top of that the job can be just down right tedious" EVERY job gets tedious once in a while... but you man up and soldier through it if you want that sweet, sweet dough... If he can't handle the pressure or do the job... then he shouldn't take money for it... I'm sure it gets tiresome to draw for 10 hours a day... the pain in your hand and neck... the attention it craves... but every job takes something out of you, whether you do art, work with people, work with machines, whatever. It's all tough. I realize that saying this shit makes me look like a complete ass... But the man isn't doing the work he promised.. we gave him our money in good faith and we have nothing to show for it... If he no longer enjoys this line of work and wants to do something else then I don't begrudge him that and I will wish him nothing but good luck... if he just deliver what I was charged for or give me back my money...


do not make the god angry... He has a superb style so he has the right to work whenever his muse hits him. :)


It's kind of weird that this discussion is centering on him just not wanting to work. How do we know he isn't tossing and reworking a lot?


That'd be cool, I think everyone trying to heap pressure on him might actually be causing this somewhat. Like, he wants to make the wait worth it, so he spends more time on it, then he keeps finding things to correct and add, and it just keeps going from there.


Nice strawman-argument, but I pay 5 bucks for every charged post. So a little math will tell you that I've paid a lot more than 3 dollars for the 5 charged posts we're still owed.


why did you choose the 5 dollar tier instead of the 1 if you were going to get mad he didn't deliver?


Who is making malicious comments? Just because someone complains or makes a negative comment, doesn't make it malicious. Any type of feedback that is received should be welcomed. Even if it's negative. Feedback lets you know what your customers are thinking so in turn you can improve yourself and/or your business. Not everything is rainbows and sunshine. If someone feels satisfied with what they're getting, then they should be able to say it. If someone feels like they are being ripped off, then they should be allowed to speak their mind as well.


Look, from your previous comments on various posts I can tell you're a big fan of the Pit and go to great lengths to defend him... and that's cool... But that question is downright retarded... I chose the 5 $ tier because the voting rights sounded cool and I wanted to support Pit as best I could. So when he, for nearly 3 months straight now, take the money and don't deliver on his promises... yeah, I feel the right to put up legitimite criticism... Maybe I was naive for believing Pit could deliver, but I chose to believe in him ... If you don't understand without a lengthy explanation, then you are honestly beyond my help... I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain it to you...


you're mad you paid 5 times as much as everyone else and didn't get your money's worth


tl;dr I hope Pit can post more, I really like his art and would love to see more of it. Hope whatever the issue is gets sorted out.


Can't wait to see the whole comics in full.


3DXAddict (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-17 02:42:44 Kitty & Jenny are gonna get it So good! Can't fucking wait for this!!!
2018-01-29 23:23:56 Kitty & Jenny are gonna get it So good! Can't fucking wait for this!!!

Kitty & Jenny are gonna get it So good! Can't fucking wait for this!!!