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I wanted to just throw out some ideas for outfit variety. You have your birthday suit, your galactic go-go club outfit, your EVA suit and your captain's uniform. I've changed her body up a bit. She's more statuesque and bustier, a little more playful and heroic at the same time. 

These are rough. Real rough. I've been distracted working on other sketches as well but I'm not ready to show any of those yet. 

Later today I'm going to announce something fun for next month and start rolling out the charged patron posts, likely three. There will be lots of voting involved. It's going to be fun.

And I haven't forgotten about Powergirl. You'll see the beginning of her short comic as well as the finalized BBG character sheets before the end of the month. I also want to ask you all if you're happy with what you've seen and if you feel like you've gotten your money's worth so far. Your input is always appreciated.





Do want to say that your work has always been amazing and it's always great to get an update from you! Keep up the good work! The wait is always painful, but when something comes up, it's still amazing to see. Rough sketch or final, I think all of it is worth it.


Good morning Pit. I am very happy with all this. Seems like more stuff from you in the last 30 days than in any 30 day period as far as I can remember. For my money your Patreon is the most exciting thing to happen to the internet since Game of Thrones coming to HBO-Go. :O


Very happy with what I've seen so far, money well spent as far as I'm concerned.


I'm just loving that we're seeing more output in a month than we used to see in years.


I like gogo outfit a lot. Also dig the EVA suit


Though I'd change the helmet. It'd be nice to keep her face showing but it'd be cool to see something like from Dead Space instead


Captain Lo looks great. As has everything you've put out. I haven't regretted my investment for a moment, as if that were even a possibility. Now that you mention it though, I did have a question: which posts are the ones we're charged for? Is it every post that is Patron Only, or is there yet another way of differentiating them. Excuse my ignorance, yours is the first Patreon I've supported. You mentioned that you expect there to be three charged posts next month, and I was curious/unsure as to how many there had been this month. Still worth the money though.


I definitely like the sketches, though I'm curious if you'll still stick to the style you used for her initial introduction piece? I'm not sure what sort of feel you're going for with the Captain Lo comic of course, but whatever you did in that picture made the art stand out compared to everything else. Then again, maybe that's the lack of neon pinks and bright pastels :P?


I think it will say "Patron Supported" in the top right corner (hover your cursor over them) for the creator posts you will be billed for. I think there's just 3 basic post types: public, patrons only, and patron supported, the last one being billed posts. So far I think we've only been billed for 3 posts, or 4. But there have been more creator posts in total than billed posts, so by all accounts this should be considered a good deal.


I'm extremely happy with what I've received this month, but I'm even happier with how well you have managed to communicate with the audience. Even when you were frustrated with some reception you were able to separate constructive criticism and direct your styles into what you feel the patrons want. It's the sort of thing that makes me feel respected as well as inspired to continue being a patron for quite some time to come.


I'm extremely happy with what I've received this month, but I'm even happier with how well you have managed to communicate with the audience. Even when you were frustrated with some reception you were able to separate constructive criticism and direct your styles into what you feel the patrons want. It's the sort of thing that makes me feel respected as well as inspired to continue being a patron for quite some time to come.


But the helmet from Dead Space wouldn't show her face. This is more like the suit in Prometheus. It's also a throwback to pulp science fiction. But I can always give her a mecha style suit that has something like that.


I am not exactly pleased because I expected at least one complete work including sexual acts by now. I do appreciate your communication with patrons and consideration of their opinions.


What Sugar said......


I promise you next month there will be no shortage of sex. I apologize for overlooking that this month. I was really focused on character creation and solidifying a style for them.


Plus the support levels are extremely reasonable in cost considering the quality of work that we are getting. I do admit to a little impatience like OmniscientGecko has mentioned...BUT I have to keep reminding myself that we are dealing with a single artist, doing all the work himself, taking a lot of time to plan and communicate with patrons and that PIT is not a studio where he can have a team of people work on each image. But we can dream can't we?


"She's more statuesque and bustier, a little more playful and heroic at the same time. " I like the changes you made to captain Lo!


I already signed up as a Paetron, but I've looked through what seems like a ton of comments and I haven't seen an answer to what I'm wondering. So I apologize in advance if you've already answered this question. I started following you (as most of your fans) on the JP website. I love your artwork, and I realize that you said you're bored with the characters and stories over on JP. Which I completely understand. But I have a bit of an Interracial fetish, and I'm wondering if the stuff you put out here is mostly going to be BM/WF like it was over there, or if you're going to be mostly concentrating on other things. As I said, I completely understand if you've gotten bored with that theme, but that's the main reason I signed up as a Paetron. So if you could give us an idea of what type of stuff you're mainly going to be working on, it would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated by me.

Space Banker

I like numero dos.


My second question is this: A while back, I decided that I would get one of those Wal-Mart pre-paid cards to use for online things stuff (porn site memberships as well as online purchases). I'm not sure if you're familiar with them, but basically you add money to the card, and that's all there is on the balance. In other words, you can't overdraft. I noticed that sites like to do the recurring membership thing, and this made it easier for me to make sure I didn't get charged automatically when I wasn't expecting it. But I'm wondering how that works with this. Since I don't know when your work is going to be coming out, I don't really know when or how much I should put on my card. If the balance happens to be zero when you put out a new piece, will I automatically be dropped as a Paetron, or will I simply not get that specific piece? And if it's the latter case, is there any way to purchase the piece at a later date (once I add some money to my card), or does that mean I missed my chance for good?


I'm mixing it up and aiming to throw in lots of variety. I'm have no aversion to interracial. I'm just interested in broadening who gets to bang who. I'm figuring out what I want to work on along with you, the patron. I'll be putting out ideas I want to work on and you'll get to pick and choose at times. Everyone wins with that method.


It would be nice to have someone take up the slack in certain areas. If I could choose one thing in the process (sketching, inking and coloring) to hand off to someone else it would be the inking and line work. I've never been a fan of it and I think it shows at times. I like sketching. It lets me get the idea out. All the other steps are just as important to the final product but less enjoyable for me.


You can set a cap on your patronage in settings to avoid this.


I love the retro space bubble helmet! It screams 50's sci-fi. Now all she needs is access to a Super-conductive Magnetic Infindibulator, and a ray gun and she'll be all set!


I am grooving on this concept. I like the retro space helmet. :) I get a Buck Rogers / Flash Gordon vibe. :) 'Will Captain Lo survive the Dick of Death? Tune in next week!" So far I am quite happy with my patreon to you Pitt, keep up the positive vibe and do what you love to do man! :) I can't wait to see this in the new "Bubbles" style. :)

Black Ronin

So far, so good. I really love seen the creative part on your work & the fact we get to pick your brain is pretty cool. For me personally I get more bang for my buck with this page compared to other artist BUT that's just me.


I'm happy with everything so far, I'll admit I got a little worried with the amount of time between this post and the last one, but I figured that it was just you being busy getting everything ready


Hey Pit. Been following you since late 2009. I think what we've got so far is well worth the money. I am excited to see the final pieces, but seeing the WIP stuff is also amazing. It really makes you feel like you are part of the process, especially when you seek input from us. So great start! I am curious to see where this goes!


I'm pretty pleased with what you've done so far. I think it's all well worth the money for the main reason that the money you make here will help give you the opportunity to create more. I guess I'm more interested in just supporting your work than how many pieces of art I get in return. With that said I can understand if some might be getting a little bit impatient for more completed work and/or sex scenes.(Take this as a compliment, your work is like a drug and we need our fix every day, haha) One suggestion would be to share some more sketches with us, even if they aren't up to your standards, just to hold us off until a finished page is complete. Some type of schedule might be a good idea so that we know what to expect. Example being, every Monday and Thursday you share a rough sketch of what you've been working on. Overall I'm quite pleased with all the work and I understand you're in the middle of perfecting your new style. Just thought I'd throw out some suggestions for going forward. Stay Awesome!


I am pretty happy. It's hard to complain. I think everyone always wants more. Anything and everything you do is appealing.


All of us are here to support you Pit. We trust in the quality of your art and love what you do. The only thing I would change is not the number of updates etc.. but to have them on a once a week basis (at minimum) so we have something to look forward too. I really appreciate you updating multiple times a week but it must be alot of pressure. You could save one for each week so we get a drip feed of content from you. As always happy to keep supporting you. You are unique!!!


Well said and we interact with the creator!! The mighty Pit


I'm fine with him updating whenever(although at least once a week is a good minmum), although I do wish he'd get a little better about schedule slippage, cause yesterday he said he was going to do another post, and now a day later no sign of it at all

John Doe

I'm happy and these rough sketches look good. I really like Bubble and want to see her in action. I'm getting anxious for some comic pages haha!


I work with illustrations and know this is hard to do in a week. comics need more working time!


Very interested to see where you take this Character!!!