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Nothing is hotter than bones! 

This is just something I threw together to make notes of some things for myself and for you.  People have mentioned her proportions are off and it's true. Lets just forego the fact that she's a cartoon and take a look at her bone structure. She's a bit over 7 heads tall which is close to normal human adult height. Here legs are long for her overall height which I like. Her pelvis is small and tilted forward, tailbone back. Her spine isn't overly contorted. It is bent intentionally in a pose, much like a fitness model which fits her character and look, but it's not like she couldn't bend that much.

-Her thighs could be longer to fit closer with human proportions but I like the look of longer lower legs.

-Her back is arched but I like the look it lends her waist and the way her butt juts out. She's putting herself on display.

-Her pelvis is small which lends it self to looking younger and more athletic. Look at any female athlete and notice you don't see wide hips. 

So I guess what I'm trying to get at is I'm well aware of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Things may change and get refined because I know I'm far from perfect. Maybe this helps alleviate some of the concern about her look. Honestly, I expected this kind of response. I pushed her towards the edge in terms of shape and the reaction I got was mixed. Buttercup is at once the most favorite and least favorite for a few people. I like that. I'm going to keep refining their looks. That's what happens when you draw something repeatedly over time.

I hope you found this somewhat educational or informative. Now back to work with me! 





Thanks for the feedback! The more varied the body types, the better. (Excluding fat chicks, please) But I wouldn't mind some girls that have bigger hips or thighs, for instance. But I like the muscular look, even though I've never been into that it's a cool change and offers up some neat potential for sexual setups. They can't all look like Bubbles, that'd be boring.


Have to admit, as someone with an art background myself, I like seeing this underdrawing. This actually helps me a lot...I like the way you've simplified the skeleton...this is beautiful!


Well I drew over the character and used landmarks to make it accurate. It's been a while since I looked over any of my anatomy references so this was helpful for me too. There's always more to learn.


Thank you Pit for educating us. I really appreciate the fact you tool time to show us behind the scenes look at how you work. I for one trust your experience I'm this field and it just goes to show you have the planning to back up your talent. One again great work!


P.s. Pit please keep bubbles the way she is! Your breast art is fantastic! And therefore she is perfect 😊


I hope you do a comic will the girls


This is why I enjoy Patreon. Thanks for the look inside of your process!


Bimbo skeleton?! My incredibly specific and niche fetish - how did you know?! *unzips*


Not using the lazy 8 head proportion system? Awesome, bonus points for the more realistic height :)


I am really enjoying these discussions about the girls proportions and appreciate your openness to our comments.


I love how eloquent and professional you are about your art. And then how lascivious your subject matter is. Not joking. I think it takes that kind of intelligence to create something that truly moves, even if it is smut.


By the way, if anyone likes seeing muscular girls in action (SFW), watch Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge on CMT cable channel (In the US). Last night they had this hot blonde body builder on. But somehow she was beat by a slimmer, mom/housewife MMA fighter. Pit if this is too far off topic let me know and I'll refrain in the future.


I dont know if i am alone in this opinion, but i would love to see some wider hips, like in your past works. There is a ton of artworks with female figures using male hips proportions. Pit trending into this way too. Guess what is popular pays more, cant blame it actually.


I personally really like the fit girl body type and her waist and butt were perfect, having said that the only thing tht kinda stuck out to me was that her back looked wider than the other girls? Before I would have thought it was a musculature thing, now I'm not so sure.

Bernard Philips

That's a really good study, and a super useful exercise. I'm an artist too so i realize the value of these kinds of sketches. Great to see that you take your art this seriously. Ive noticed a trend in a lot of erotic artists to get complacent. Keep at it. You started out as one of the best amd youre still getting better! :) Also lil bit of feedback. I think her arms look a bit short. Its probably because her legs are so outrageously long. The other girls have the same thing going on, but its more evident here because hers are much thicker. Hope you find this useful. If you want some reference i have a decemt collectiom of muscular girls. ;)


I dunno who would question your art style... Even if you yourself know that your proportions are off you have a very unique style, your artwork and characters are still on point in my book. Like you said they're cartoons and possibilities are endless and with your style and creativity, man I will never complain. Keep doing what you're doing.


PIT. I think you are without a doubt the best artist I have ever seen! NOBODY does this stuff as well as you do.


PIT, I hope you don't compromise your latest vision for her. I pointed out last night that Buttercup had 30 faves to Blossom's 27, and now that has widened to 43-30 in Buttercup's favor. Not every character must satisfy every viewer with every aspect of their form. This isn't even possible. Yet, despite some naysayers, your latest design for Buttercup is evidently resonating. I think the experimentation has proven fruitful. It's good that she looks different. I imagine that's much of the purpose and fun of having a trio. It would be rather lame if they were all the same. And nothing against Blossom, I think she's wonderful too! I have faved them all, don't see why one wouldn't. But to each their own.


I agree. I think your should keep true to you art style and artistic vision. I mean there is a reason you have so many followers. Everyone will have their own tastes; I personally love Blossom over the other two. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate what you did with Bubbles and Buttercup. Besides they're all pretty hot.


Dude, you can talk about whatever here, unless it's really fucked up. If the Broken Skull Challenge is about endurance I can understand why the MMA fighter won. If you look at the strongest men and women in the world they're not defined and cut.


Buttercup's shoulders are in line with her femurs. That's correct for men AND women. People come in all shapes and sizes. Some have big hips. Some have small hips. If you think I'm some kind of business master mind because I'm conforming to a trend, maybe the past 8 years of me drawing niche interracial porn would sway you to reconsider.


They do look a little short. Thanks for pointing that out. I think the foreshortening in the first and second pose have that effect. And with them being bent it's hard to judge length.


It is not about genre you draw. You contradict yourself with real life proportions and this way of drawing certain anatomy (buttocks and breasts for example). I am was attracted to style you draw (drew) women. Just compare your old Jenny character sheet to any new pieces you draw. I know i do not express opinion of the majority, just saying what i think. I know its not nice to hear something negative in wave of positive comments, sorry for that too. But your new style lost much of femininity and softness of your past girls. Your style changed over time, and yes, their hips drastically changed, it is easy to see when you look at old and new pages of your comics, girls become more and more fit.


Buttercup even has a hot pelvic girdle...you can just imagine that fine bimbutt.


spookiest pin-up ever :P


Just a thought. It is the year of the monkey and the number one nemesis of the girls on the show is MoJoJoJo which is a monkey or a chimpanzee rather. Just thought that was an interesting thought.