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I mentioned days ago in my Bimbo Bomb Girl post that I'd be doing another post later that evening. I'm sorry I didn't. I took a nap and ended up sleeping for a good while. My sleep schedule in January was garbage, but now I'm getting back to a normal pattern.

So here's how the first two weeks of February will work...

Patron rewards will include a full lineup of Captain Lo and her crew, 3 character sheets of the Bimbo Bomb Girls, and the start of Powergirl's bimbo transformation.

I mentioned before that I would limit the number of paid posts and exceed that number in rewards most months. Paying for three things and getting possibly six is a decent deal, don't you think?

Also, I will be showing a few sketch pages from Hot Meal, a comic starring Kitty and Jenny Summers. Patrons will have access to more sketches leading up into the action as a show of appreciation. These are essentially a gift outside of the paid posts so there won't be any variable tier rewards involved. I think having a comic off the books as the saying goes is a nice gesture for any one that shows support regardless of how much they pledge.

In Review 

The start of the Powergirl comic with a poll for tier 2 and 3 patrons that will decide how the comic progresses.

Captain Lo and her crew.

Bimbo Bomb Girl character sheets.

Public sketches from Hot Meal and extra sketches available to patrons.

Let me know what you think about this plan of attack for the first two weeks of February. I want to make sure we're all on the same page and you feel like you're getting your money's worth.



Sounds like we're getting a hell of a lot of your work for a more than reasonable price. I'm down 👌


It sounds like a very solid plan. I'm not sure what your living situation is right now, but I can forgive if things are still stressful and you're not able to complete all of those goals at once. You're still getting situated here on Patreon after all. My pledge settings cap at 6 paid posts per month, and it's pretty likely that more people have similar settings, so somewhere between 3-6 paid posts per month seems acceptable in my eyes, and the bonus stuff on the side just make me more likely to stick around for the months to come!


All sound great to me


w00t! That all sounds awesome. =D


Great news. Your plans for upcoming projects are impressive. I'm glad I can support you.


Sounds good to me, can't wait to see those BBG sheets(hopefully very soon)


Sounds Awesome!


Looking forward to it, Pit!


Sounds like I might need to buy new jeans.


Pit you are the man and your art rocks


As a consumer, I appreciate the generousness of the extra stuff. As a patron, I don't want you to shortchange yourself. You're an artist. You deserve recompense for your time, effort and skill. Just make sure you find a balance that rewards yourself as well as those of us on the receiving end.

The Hunter

Good deal! With my work situation many a time I've sat/laid out on my couch and fallen asleep for hours. Hopefully your situation will improve. The pay out is worth it and it's not like we're paying a subscription fee per month. Eagerly awaiting the Hot Meal comic/sketches!

John Doe

Sounds good man! Just get those comics flowing haha! I'm raising my monthly cap so I'll take as much as you can create and post. Really looking forward to the comics for all the characters


I too really appreciate the generosity, but at the same time we have to consider that not everyone here are pledging 1-5 dollars. There may be people who are in the $10 range or more and if things get too expensive for them they might lower their pledge, or bail entirely. Like you said, balance is key.


I really want to become a Patreon as I love your work, but this isn't possible as I consistently get the error "error communicating with Stripe" has anyone else had this error and if so how do you fix it?


Loving it, hoping you have a great month!

Florida's Son Shines

Wow, all this from you in the first two weeks and a Deadpool movie? Best Valentine's Day ever!


So excited to see more of Jenny and Kitty.


This is some kick ass start and I am happy to be part of! Plus, we get to see Kitty and Jenny as a Bonus, even more awesome. Keep up the good work!


What a legend!

Jaina Splinters

I like this plan! Aggressive moves, hope it attracts more patrons! I'm way more a fan of this pay-model than the last place you were at.


I like this plan, do you have any future plans for the likes of Kandi Kane and Rose Devereau?


Good plan. Looking forward to seeing the creations.

Jam Max

Sounds great!! carry on!!


Will we see any slut teachers ?