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Not really sure where to start. First off I hope everyone is safe. Shit's getting weird, especially for those in the U.S. I'd like to open things up a little and hear how you've been doing. How have you spent quarantine time? What are some movies you've watched, games you've been playing, shows you've been binge watching? Any new music you found recently? If you also feel like venting now would be the chance to do it.

I've been trying to rekindle my love for gaming. I recently started playing Elite Dangerous and fell in love with it. I bought a HOTAS and a VR headset. It's been incredibly helpful for my mental state to have genuine moments of joy and be able to escape and relax. It's also really fucking fun fragging space pirates.



You lucky dog! I miss playing Elite Dangerous. Love being the smuggler of all things...yes I am a space trucker but fuck it, it's profit! XD


Glad to hear you're alright! Been reading and taking classes for fun (nerd alert!!!) Plus a few computer games here and there. Stay well!


Eh it's been good I guess still got a job thankfully, been wanting to finish my sleeve tattoo but that's not really a priority with what's goin on, and game wise finally got spiderman and been playing yakuza, other than that mostly just using this as time to better ones self I guess.


Never watched the star wars clone wars so binge watched all 7 seasons now. Playing lots of Total War Warhammer II as well with all this extra time.


It’s been good nothing much has changed for me


Playing FF7 remake finally ! And binge watching avatar the last air bender again 😎


Glad to hear you're safe. I ended up moving in the middle of the quarantine which was crazy. Wouldn't have gone through with it if it wasn't already planned for months before the outbreak. Staying with relatives and sleeping on a couch while we work out the living arrangements. Just got the internet back yesterday. Been binging the Goldbergs which was a show I never thought I was gonna like. Finally saw the Sonic movie which was a lot better than I thought it was going to be.


I live in u.s , specifically in michigan and shit has hit the fan. Fast! Luckily i am safe but im surrounded by protesting cities. Quarantine has been nice though


I live in México, locked in, seeing The Man in the High Castle, very good series...


I live in Michigan and been spending my time just trying to find whatever odd job I can get while laid off. I went to a protest near me today though I also have been writing my own Coxville story just something to keep my mind from getting dull


Alright, I've started putting together a Warhammer 40k army and now can spend time painting it xD

PSN: Kalil86

Playing monster hunter world primarily, a saints row 3 remaster was just released not too long ago so playing that as well till I platinum it.


I made memes early quarantine, plus compiled screenshots from 4chan for my ghost town of a page on FB. Then ofc my last semester at uni was over after online assessments and I felt a profound release, I started drawing and writing sci-fantasy again like a maniac, then I started getting good at coloring and decided to do porn. So far no new movies or vidya, mostly lack of interest, partly limited internet.


Im a space trucker. Want to wing?


Luckily, no one i know got ill, would be dangerous, as im around my grandparents right now. I hope this all goes down safely. I recently purchase Ring fit adventure, delivery time is 4 weeks XD

Maddie B.

Hey! It's good to see you're fine. Right now me and my family are focused on staying safe. The lockdown in Spain has been almost total, being able to go out only for the needed stuff like buying groceries and only the needed jobs were active during the first month. The second month people could go out to do some exercise but with restrictions and some people could start to work (not my case). But in the third month finally the lockdown is slowly finishing, step by step and trying to keep things under control. Not like I'm complaining since in my family we're fine both physical and mentally because we kept our minds busy and doing special things at weekends. That's the key. I bough Fitness Boxing for Switch since Ring Fit is almost impossible, and it works! I'm taking advantage to play as many games as I can: Finishes Resident Evil 2 Remake and played classic too, Fire Emblem, Doom... and I had a wonderful amazing surprise with Streets of Rage 4. By the way if you have an VR set maybe you should try Half Life Alyx. But it's not only about playing videogames. I watched a lot of movies and series like Castlevania or Vikings, and also working at my other hobbies like painting Warhammer or working in some own projects, learning more Unity and stuff. And I made a bet so this week I have to watch Super Mario Bros, the movie and the other guy has to watch Street Fighter 2 the movie. I'm sure his bet is easier, wish me luck xD.


I fly solo mostly bounty hunting. I like my anonymity as well. If I get the itch to fly with you guys I'll have to start an alt account and buy the game again.


Those movies are campy classics. You're both in for a treat. I've watched some game play of Alyx and it looks like fun. One problem I've experienced with VR is vertigo in shooter style games while standing. Elite doesn't have that effect at all. I feel comfortable doing any crazy maneuver, but Zero Caliber made me feel sick and gave me cold sweats.


I'm glad to hear you're doing well, and it's heartening to read how many others are doing similarly!. I 2nd the HL: Alyx suggestion, it's engaging from the get-go. I picked up ED (Commander's edition, I think?) and was playing it on my Rift S, but with various music gear on my desk, I don't have the room for a HOTAS of any decent quality. I have been playing a fair bit of No Man's Sky in VR and that's actually been pretty damned fun! This being the place it is, I should also mention spending a pretty decent chunk of time in Virt-a-Mate for VR, both playing and creating. I send my best wishes out to you and my fellow patrons for continued health (both mental and physical!)


I always find the best game to fall back on is Stardew Valley. It’s simple, but a very fun and relaxing game to play.

Xavier Hall

Best game RE2 and glad you are back and safe hope more power girl is to come, and this leads into Wonder Woman and Darkseid comics that would be awesome


I agree with Dave. Also, even if you've seen it, "The Big Lebowski" is always a fun watch/rewatch. Stay Safe and Healthy, Love from L.A.


Long time fan. Finally subbed. Worth every penny!


Glad that your happy. Gaming wise, I busted out the old dolphin emulator to play some classic Nintendo games. I've also been really getting into eroge's and VNs, so that's a great way to use my time.


Trying to finish playing Darksiders series. Finally finished Ds2 after ignoring it for awhile and I finally get to one that interested me with Ds3 with Fury.


None sick here thankfully. A friend from work raves about Elite dangerous, and has been encouraging me to play it. One day I might, but games like that can be dangerous for my social life. I once disappeared for 3 years when elder scrolls 5 came out. With that being said, I just recently dipped my toes back into ESO after a 5 year hiatus so I guess I'll be back to cave man status soon. Also played Wolfenstein Youngblood recently, it's better than what people make it out to be IMO, clearly meant as DLC type release for Wolfenstein 2 like Old Blood was to The New Order. Really enjoyed it for what it was, if you like wolfenstein it's more of that but with co-op and less story.


Any clues on what that teaser image of Jenny and Kitty was about? 🤔


Still quiet here in most of London, UK, but shops are opening up now.


Been playing this space game called Avorion. Making a functioning ship is a blast and the soundtrack is so calming it's hard not to get lost in it


We get it, buddy:) this has been an absolutely surreal time to be alive. I’ve been coping by painting up my backlog of table top miniatures; when we’re shut in on account of disease or curfews, there’s really no excuse not to get it done :p Hang in there, my friend, and if you feel inspired, return to the drafting table. If not, watch some tv and and hang with your friends until you do:)


I'll have to check it out. I have a thing for space/engineering/astrophysics and the like.


Glad to hear you're doing well man. Was legitimately concerned for your well being and not just for new content. It's been a crazy time, I do digital marketing so I've been working from home. Convenient timing for the FF7 remake to finally drop and the pleasant surprise of Mortal Kombats new dlc which is awesome. Also have been leveling hard in Wow Classic.


Forget the games and keep making art. You are too talented to let your skills go to waste.


Glad your ok - and try Half-life Alyx In VR is the best vr game I’ve played to date - check it out and hit me up if you ever want to team up on other vr games like smash box!


Been playing old King of Fighters games. I went vintage game shopping before all the craziness about a decent back catalog of fighters. Other then that the pandemic actually helped rest my back from surgery, got my job back last week. So far so good in my small space of the world.


Hey truth be told might be time to get back to some "Bimbo Bomb Girls" or a cumshot for "Velma and Daphne". I got plenty of story ideas, let me know if you need some.


I love playing Elite Dangerous in VR, too. You should check out Half-Life: Alyx when you get a chance! Where do you prefer being contacted about commissions?


Watched all the Star Wars movies. And currently catching up on starwars: rebels, gaming wise playing some classics Jagged Alliance and Jagged Alliance 2, Damage Incorporated, and going to play a little Kingpin:Life of Crime untill the remastered version comes out and played little and loved Xenonauts.


I know I’m WAAAAAY behind on this conversation (😅😅), but Elite is one of my all-time favorites. I’m ready for Odyssey to drop this fall, although I’m really disappointed that you can’t walk around INSIDE your ship. Let’s hope that feature comes sooner than later.