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Working on a bit of a political/news parody. It'll be a full comic page of setup and two animations to round it out to completion. ;)

Should be all done by the weekend.





LOVE THIS MAN! This so nice and smooth.


Let it be a good raunchy story of pure sexual bliss and utopia. X3

Emilio Orozco

If that's who I think it is, then this is gonna be good


Lol is that Tucker Carlson Or if it's a parody, Cucker Tarlson

Emilio Orozco

Both! I already know the head and his...view on a lot of subjects, so I hope the lady is who I think it is


I'd honestly like to know who you think it might be as it's not a specific person being parodied in the actual animation.


Great idea - real interested in seeing how it turns out.

PSN: Kalil86

Political aye!... considering all the political news being shoved down our... I digress.


awesome dude


I'll bite my tongue in regards to some of her views, but politics aside, Tomi was lookin fine as a FOX for a minute there. She was legitimate kryptonite too, after images surfaced showing her being awful cozy with some brothas, spawning a trending hashtag which labeled her "RacistBae" lmao. Can't make this ish up!


I don't even have my glasses on and I could tell from the small sketch who the anchor was based off, with the trademark dumbfounded expression. Even his resting face is one of bewilderment. XD

wing hero

ok, so your not going t finish the other comics you said you'd do and start this then not finish it like all the others? im just saying cuz you know you


I jump between projects. If you'd read or comprehended what the post says, I'll be completing this by the end of the weekend and it's only a comic page and two animations. I'm not investing more into this. It's something fun and short with plenty to enjoy.


I think the issue at hand isn't that you jump between projects, it's that you keep adding new ones while leaving old ones unfinished, often in an incredibly unsatisfactory place(like how BBG only has had two pages and none of them had anything remotely sexy happen in them), basically most of your remaining patrons would probably agree that we'd really much prefer you to stick to a single project for at least a couple months at a time rather than not be able to stick to anything for more than a month if you even actually make anything of substance, which has basically been the status quo for this patreon for the majority of it's existence now

wing hero

qwerpyblah is right and i did read it. its just that every time you do some thing new i fear i will never see any thing finished. but you are right, you say by the the end of the weekend ok, do your thing. one last thing im an artist too and in a week i get 3 to 4 idea's that i need to sketch out but i dont start anything. even if i really wont to because ill never get any thing done. i just got my computer back and i have like 50 or sketch plus my 100 old old ones. all this is just to tell you to stay the course as much as you can


I quite like the detail of the bulging stomach.

Jet’s NSFW 18+

can I ask why this image is blurred out? would love to see more detail. also I don't mind the jumping back and forth from projects. would love to see more power girl in the future. in the meantime have a fantastic day pit.


Finally some balls deep deepthroat fucking. Sweet! Please do a massive cum load down her throat

wing hero

normaly in news they would blur out images that are not good for tv. that should be why