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Patreon made some changes recently that have fucked over users and creators. I personally lost 22% of my patrons to declined charges. They didn't jump ship. Patreon fucked up somewhere. While it's not the end of the world it is a bummer to take a hit like that. 

If you guys want to continue to support not just me but the other people on this site, please take a minute right now to update your billing info.

And since we're talking patronage and support, I want to thank you again for your kind words and encouragement. Thank you. 

Article on how to update your information 

The Back 2 School page will be up tonight. Sorry for the delay.



Hey I’m just making Sure that I’m still a member for this month on my bill history status it says complete does that mean I’m good


Yeah, I got hit with that. All my pledges declined. Email to Patreon: They say the CC company doesn't give them much info on reason for decline. Email to CC Company: We declined to protect your account because of unusual foreign activity. I tell them that Patreon pledge is OK, please allow. They said they'd fix. I hit retry over on Patreon and it went through a few hours ago. Everything should be OK now, at least from me. I wish Patreon at thought this through a bit more, or at least have given people a bit of a warning.

The Hunter

Patreon recently switched to a UK based processor. Due to the UK banking/financial regulations transactions like these (especially with a debit card) are flagged as fraud/money laundering and rejected outright. PayPal works though


It didn't affect me, but I did see lots of people including other Patreon content creators grumbling about this on the Twitter. Wasn't it a year ago Patreon got hammered by patrons and creators for trying to add a fee? They quickly dropped it due to backlash. Looking forward to Back2School!


I also was hit with the same BS.. you see your support and funds take a hit after the end of each billing cycle and it's not nearly as much as you should make because of fraudulent users and declined payments. I found that it helped me when I charged per creation...


Not impacted. Everything works fine


My billing seems to be ok for now partner, just keep up the good work.


I’m going to need the rest of that 2 hot blondes 2

Harlee Fallen

Think he forgot to upload lolol




honestly This person Be very lazy We have enough money. Without excuse You need to be very diligent. If you become diligent Will make a lot of money Shut up and work.


I thought the page would be up? It's 3 days later already. What gives?


Ayy, where's the page mate?

