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This month you'll see the first page of Bimbo Bomb Girls, the first page of Coxville Chronicles (previously titled Coxville Stories), the continuation of Power Girl's comic and another page of Damballah Island Diaries. I'll be releasing them in this order. The end of this week will be Bimbo Bomb Girls, so on and so forth for the others through the month.

I've started sketches for all of these except for Power Girl's comic. Sketches are coming along quickly and I feel good about meeting these goals this month. Right now I've got the DIDs sketch finished. BBGs is halfway done and surprisingly Coxville Chronicles' first sketch is done. 

The Coxville Chronicles is going to be a new take on an old story, it's titled Coxville Chronicles: Barely Legal. That'll be the formatting for the series. New entries get a different title after the "CC:". Each will be relatively short. I want the "CC:" comics to be similar to the Damballah Island Diaries "DIDs" in regard to how they get right into the action. One difference will be the inclusion of established characters over time, along with a reworking of old comics that I don't have rights to, and references to Coxville's history. Hopefully I can finally establish a cannon narrative for the world I created.

Let me know what you think and if you've got some "CC:" or "DIDs" ideas of your own, my private messages are always open.




Sounds great, hope we'll see a preview for it soon(cause while I have faith in you keeping to the schedule for the most part, previews and WIP shots are the best way to show people you mean business in keeping on top of things)


I can't wait for their continuations. ^_^


Now that sounds like a game plan can't wait for it but if your looking for ideas and such just throwing it out but how about a few more girls of different ethnicity maybe some asian or Hispanic or African you k ow to mix it up a bit I mean they call all still be stacked bimbos but regardless I can't wait to see how everything turns out


Please don’t overload yourself with prior projects you might have lost zeal for.


Seems like you have everything under control. Go for it PIT.


Something cool for coxville chronicles could be a hot but more nerdy or less popular girl rather than a cheerleader? Love Kitty and her crew and want to see more of them but changing it up could be cool. Maybe do something with a nerdier guy but still interracial. Someone above mentioned some other races like Hispanics or Asians and I think and Asian girl would be cool. Maybe someone from japan or of Japanese descent? I’d love to see a red headed girl. You have one kind of teased on your tumblr in a red dress but I was thinking one more around kitty’s age. Or we can go away form the school or housewife area and maybe get a more country girl in?


Also changing up the guys they are with would be awesome. Having some guys that aren’t thugs or wannabe thugs would be cool.


Most suggestions seem to be about aesthetic, e.g. more Hispanic chicks, etc. I think Pit is looking more for snappy scenario suggestions, e.g. pizza delivery, plumber, etc premises. I have one for a hot milf cooking up a cake or preparing milkshakes for a hen party.


you excite me