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Here's another sculpt. The Yin to Jenny's Yang. I'm working on getting them together in one preview to show a scale comparison but Sketchfab doesn't seem to like the poly count. lol

I'm going to be doing a lot more of these. Some will be very easy to make since I have a base model to work from. Things like body definition, proportions, breast size, the hair and face are simple enough to change and really sell a character. I don't want to just repeatedly reuse the same base model so some brand new ones will make an appearance here and there. 

Let me know what you think. This is all a work in progress so any tips or suggestions are appreciated. If anyone knows of a skilled 3D modeler who could lend a hand drop me a private message and if you know them well enough let them know I'm interested in getting their help possibly.



Arlo "Lowbeam" Jenkins

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Incredibly detailed, him and Jenny both! I would love to see these two going at it, these models definitely get the imagination going! =D


This is super incredible! Proportions to marvel at, and the level of detail is delicious. Excellent work!


Like the Jenny model, this is great in terms of being consistent with your style. I really think that's the key; some might be apprehensive about 3D but something like this is quickly recognizable as "The PiT" art regardless of medium. I'm looking forward to the detail work. Hair, eyebrows, makeup, clothes, shoes and other accessories have always been a big part of what makes your characters.


I'm sorry this might sound like stupid but is it possible to save this an the Jenny one to your computer? They just look Awesome.


I want to 3d print that model so bad :D


nice nice


Looks great! I do have a hard time with the name Arlo however. All I can think of is a blue muppet.


dude thats some really cool stuff ive actually wanted to make my own 3d sketchs as well neer got to it though so this fills the void haha keep it up


If you partnered up with an erotic novelty candy store this would be perfect. An erect version would sell really well at a chocolate Easter-bunny size. They could have cream filling to be sucked out through the man pipe.

Bernard Philips

I'm a 3D Artist by trade and would be glad to help you out. Not sure how to DM you though.


Yes...his models are definitely recognizable and indistinguishable from any others...in a class all their own and easily identifiable for any and all fans of his work. I hope he continues with the 3D model stuff!


Awesome...you two could bring these characters to life thru 3D art...I hope this happens!!!


Would love to see Him give your girls 3D models a nice hard pounding!!! Hopefully this is the start of something great...some HOT 3D Model work from you!!!