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This is another excerpt from chapter 3 of Slutwriter's 2 Racist Blondes Go Black.

I've never asked, but how do you feel about the use of racial slurs in the comics? I read every comment here although I rarely interact. I'm interested to know how you feel about raceplay.

Anyway, I'm going to take a break from other people's characters and stories and focus on getting caught up, again. 



Space Banker

Slurs don't bother me, but I think the interracial sex has been played out.


The uses of slurs don't matter to me. If it's used it's used, if not won't make a difference


I feel the slurs help justify how the girl got into the situation and how it all falls into place!


You are in my top three favorite artists along with Dmitrys and Incase. Your interracial play is incredibly sexy to me. But the racial slurs get tiring. I know that it was a big thing with John Persons but I know you could make it a lot more erotic with more clever word play. There is a interracial story writer on Literotica called everyonesavoyeur that is a absolute word smith. I would consider some of the different ways he refers to race without slurs. But I would support you even if you don't change or if you quit interracial completely.


Dude, i'm black and nothing gets me going like when my girl calls me nigga or nigger!!!


Race play has always been the least appealing aspect of your art to me. I tolerate it, just for the actual picture.


I can't wait to see what you get caught up on. Also it's in the context of how the slur is used, cause it IS a comic and not real life


Kind of played out. But I'm also maybe one of the few hoping you'll give more fantasy/sci-fi stuff a shot, or maybe dive back into dickgirl stuff(the gift art you did for Dmitrys and the fanart for the Girlfriends4Ever stuff were amazing)

Jay Dot

I'd like to see you draw some characters from the last chapter of Slutwriter's story, My Mom and Sister are Size-Queen Sluts


Slurs aren't something that should be used without being labeled as fetishistic racial play, but as long as images are properly tagged and disclaimed, they're as good as anything for adding heat, nastiness, inappropriateness and taboo to a scene.


I honestly don't give much of a shit about the raceplay. I dig the art, the proportions, and the bimbos.


April 27- "I'm spending the weekend working on Ivy's Damballah page and whatever else I can finish. And next month I'm focusing on any paid posts I might have missed. THEN we are going to power through Hot Meal until it's done with occasional breaks." You've been making promises on getting caught up on old work for months now and you never do it. I'd also like to point out that it has now been over a year since you charged for the first page of Hot Meal and you still haven't delivered it.


how is she doing that lol


Yes! turn the series into a comic!


I know it's been a while but doesn't he charge per release? It's not like you paid for a full comic.


It really depends. I don't really like it with the "er" ending. In this case the Mom is racist so it's in context and it's based on slutwriters work. When it's used in a less derogatory manner and with the "a" ending I'm cool with it but I feel it's been used A LOT. So maybe a break from it would be fine. For example, you don't be really need to use it in the Hot meal storyline. I still like the interracial stories though, but maybe without relying too heavily on the race play aspect.


First off, let me just say this...Fantastic work from both you and Hammertyme for the animation, which I am sure he did since he does all of your animations. If you were the one that did it, then the congrats goes to you. I would LOVE to see you take Slutwriters 2 Racist Blonde's Go Black and do the Entire comic, even though I know you have a ton of older stuff and promised stuff 2 finish first with the HOT MEAL & DAMBALLAH ISLAND DIARIES. Would love to see those 2 comics get finished and then see you work on this one 2 RACIST BLONDE'S GO BLACK and also I would Absolutely LOVE to see you take Slutwriters Herron comic MY MOM & SISTERS ARE SIZE-QUEEN SLUTS and make a comic of it with Plenty of pages and with Plenty of HOT Interracial art and animations added. It would be your first comic with both white and black guys packing so it would be new ground for you mixing the 2 together. Now, to the topic at hand....Raceplay. Me personally...I Fucking LOVE it!!! I love seeing the girls talk dirty and use both versions of the word (N***a, & N***er) These comics and art are just fucking fantasy so it doesn't bother me in the least and it shouldn't bother anyone else, but I guess, to each their own. Point being...I think it makes it THAT much Hotter! That is just my opinion but I love raceplay, especially in your comics and art. You could always do 2 versions of the page with alternate text if you needed to....that would give everyone what they wanted and text doesn't take no time at all to change...not just a word or two. But Please PLEASE keep in the raceplay....I love your comics and one of the main reasons is the raceplay! I just have a HUGE fetish for it I guess?!

Devin Dickie

My patreon is all interracial/sissy/cuckolding art and toons, I personally never use the "N-Word" in my works with the exception of painting the person saying the language as a real "RACIST" Usually while invoking some kind of punishment for the behavior. I have to say that while entertaining interracial porn IS TABOO. I would hate to say that anything is POLITICALLY CORRECT. Though it is not my thing to rock the racial slurs, what about the black guys that see it and are into actually being humiliated in race play, like James Robinson above stated. I think to bash the work is not the right approach. If it isn't for you then, move on. Interracial Fetishism is a bit of glass house to start throwing stones.


I LOVE the word NIGGER in my porn it really adds to the intensity of the scene.


more use of the n-word please... it's a fucking cartoon you retards. Sticks and stones and all that.


I enjoy it, but I prefer it come with some restraint, otherwise it gets as worn out as Kellie's cunt in the Bahamas. It needs to maintain that percussive oomph when it's used.


So racist slurs are ok as long as it's just a cartoon? 🙄

Robert B.

Lots of jiggle with a bit of wiggle. And an ass that can swallow a snake.

Robert B.

I think it is in context so it is acceptable since it is meant to be a slur. But if it's not necessary I say don't use it.


Personally, I detest the word.


Need a lil Vivian in my life


For me, I'm both not okay and okay with using racial slurs

A. M.

I don't mind it, but everything is small doses every 5 or six panels. Crossing it out also seems like a cool idea. You're not actively taking it out, but not making it full on John Person/Kenny Comix-esque. Makes it stand out on it's own.


For me this is all about fantasies, in our darkest dreams we don't do or say nice things. BTW check my page too. :D

Florida's Son Shines

The racial slurs don't bother me, it's the ignorant speech. All the "dis" and "fo", like if you don't eviscerate the words the reader won't know the character's "from the hood". Slang is fine, the rest not so much.


The n-word is a big turn off for me. Everything else I'm fine with.


oh snap!!!! that ass would be mine!!! please let's see more!

PSN: Kalil86

Don't have a problem with it, but at the end of the day you can't please everyone. That's just how it is


Pit did you learn to animate by yourself? because it looks fantastic and could be naive or worse impertinetfrom me to ask you how you do it?


Where can I download these animations or comics


Some called this racial but for me the exciment dont lie on any enthnic groups of characters who just have sex to break any taboos or to shock some ultra conservative people just the beauty of the contrast that this characters offer


Me personally I am here for the art not the fetish so I would appreciate you moving towards anything other than more raceplay, it just doesn;t do anything for me.


Personally I don't get anything out of slurs, but I don't have a problem with them in work like his.


Use it if you like, I don't care personally as interracial smut is your bread and butter. Anyone that has issues of this really should think about what the pledge to you for. However, I do agree with slutwriter and hyrulian with both their points. Put disclaimers if you plan on using it as many will be offended (or even mark out the word for the weak hearted), or even try making up clever things for characters to say. And not just for "niggas" "niggers" or "dat white hoe", it's all about how creative you can be. Then again this is my opinion so...

Explosive Plastic

I wouldn't force it one way or another, but it is part of the fetish. And forcing it out like what happened in the past was definitely weird. But maybe that's just because we all knew it had been changed.

Gerald E

I can do without the use of the n*****. If I ever had a chick call me that and she was at my place, I'd kick her out with her clothes in hand.


In my opinion racial slurs belong in race play. For example in usual BBC Interracial porn, calling someone 'nigger' or 'big black nigger dick' feels to elevate or empower that Black guy and his dong to become superior to others, even to other 'normal' blacks. However it should not be used all the time every other word, otherwise 'nigger' word loses its power and it just becomes racist word. Of course, if the character is supposed to be racist, then the character should act like it, no matter if the character is black or white or any other colour. Me, I like racial slurs in race play, even if it is used to humiliate me and to empower the other.

Gerald E

Naw man, i'm serious as a heart attack. I don't play with that in the bedroom.


I think we're fine with it.


Not personally a fan of the slurs.


I'm addicted to it


The animations don't seem to be working for me Pit. Any suggestions?


Well if you click the bold "Vivian Whiteside Animation 2" title, it should take you to the individual update posted by Pit, and that's usually how you view the creations at full size. Or you could right-click and open in a new tab. Then after opening the individual post, just right click on the image and you should have an option to "Save image as.." and that allows you to download the pic. Not sure about Mac, but it should be similar.


How are you viewing it? On a phone? Make sure you check your settings. On mine, it took me a long time to realize I had to enable "GIF" animations. A lot of phones have GIF disabled. These animations are in GIF format.


Am always interested in how this comes up. Did you suggest it to her first? How did she react? Or did she ask you if she could? I bet vast majority of chicks (based from my experience) would be shocked to know how hot it is to some of us.


Where exactly do I go to change it? I don't find the setting anywhere.


Did you ever watch those HushHush videos from about 10 years ago?


Yeah, I think balance is key. IMO I can't really get into Kenny Comix. No offense if he's here. I just would suggest the language shouldn't be perfunctory.


At the same time we can't deny that untold millions of Americans speak just like that all the time, regardless of color too. I think it's about finding a balance, and keeping some variety here and there. I don't want all the sexy black guys sounding the same. I try and imagine they not only use diverse ranging lexicon, but different slang and accents too. I appreciate when Pit presents diversity not just on the macro level, but micro also. I really really like the Damballah locals different language.


Pit has been animating a long time. I still love to look at his earliest animations going back more than 8 years I think. But yeah these latest ones are fire!


Maybe in your phone's main menu settings? I had to check my phone's general settings, and in there was a section for internet browsing. I had to tick a box to enable GIF. What device are you using though? iPhone? Might have to check the forum for your device.

Space Banker

Finish DID please!


Haha it's funny you even ask, like if we were offended we wouldn't be jacking off to your stuff...lol Bro use that shit all you want. There ain't nothing a girl can say to hurt my feeling during sex. If anything it only makes my dick harder!


Hi Pit,


Do you think you'll ever do HotMeal? These are great but I think everyone on here is getting antsy for some actual stories instead of pinups... Hope you're recovery is going well!


hello pit


Would love to see the scene after the hang bang when Vivian has drained all of the studs dry with them all collapsed cocks drained with her covered in cum.


Me too...Seems hotter when it is included, at least to me it is!


I could NOT Agree more....this needs 2 happen sometime in the future after he is finished with his current projects.


I think it is Obvious...we all, or at least MOST of us want to see you make 2 Racist Blondes Go Black into a Full-Fledged comic at some point!!! Hopefully this is the plan...