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I'd like to have gotten more done this month but circumstances are still giving me the business. I was asked to leave the apartment I was staying at with my friend because his girlfriend had a school project to finish and my presence apparently kept her from getting anything done. SO I had to move, again. This time with even less of my stuff since I only have my car and no Uhaul to move with. I stayed with my one other friend in the state. It's actually been nice so it's not a complaint. Just inconvenient. I have been traveling the past week to get back to my truck since it's been fixed. I'm currently in a cheap motel so that I can get these things sent out and get paid to hopefully cover my expenses from this ordeal of crossing the country (twice or thrice?) with what little junk I have. I now have 1000 miles to go to get back to my new new home.

Thank you again for your patience. I may take my sweet time getting back to CO and see the sites and grab motels along the way when I get tired of driving. It'll be an adventure and it might be nice to work on the road. Maybe it's my destiny to just be a vagabond artist?




Good luck man! Also... Alien babes! ❤️


Just keep throwing sketches up and charge me as many as you want