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Hi everyone just keeping you all up to date on what's going on with the vid. Captiva 2 is almost complete. 

-All that is left are two transition poses that I wanted to add to get the vid to flow better instead of just cutting to black all the way through like always. The poses in this vid are my attempt at making more dynamic poses instead of the standard just pump as fast as possible. I also changed a few things in the room to give it some more life. 


-While working on the rendering I noticed that all of the reflection lightings on the water started to give me a headache. I not sure if it was just the contrasted movement or just that I've been working in the same room for a long time. So just to be sure I added more objects into the room to break up the movement. 


-In short, there will be less music this time around and more ambient horror sounds. 

-Thanks again everyone for your patience! There are more preview pics for you all to check out while I do these small changes. 

-After Captiva 2 is done the next vid will be right after it.

-Captiva Scene Preview (No Sound Effects)


-Once the vid is done and on Mega for you all to view I will post the Video Notice For you all to see.




So excited!!! Can’t wait to see the final results of this upcoming video! Thanks for your hard work as always!!!


Damn, those preview images are sexy as hell...this one is gonna be good.

El Melloi

Sometimes i wonder how these girls manage to get themselves into these messes xD either way, impregnated by monster during water sex sounds damn hot! Also i lovee the belly bulge


Hi everyone I added a scene preview of the first two poses. Check them out in the post.

El Melloi

Love it! shes really getting fucked silly by that thing


Truly phenomenal! Everything from the outline of her breasts through her tank top, to the bulge in her stomach, and the domination from the monster is done perfectly!


woah captiva 2 coming


Is it being posted now or tomorrow? (later today depending on your time)


by the preview i assume that the model would be convinced in first few mins


That's quite a bulge, heh.


Maaaan!! That 2nd one was having no mercy with that deepthroating!! Cannot wait to hear the sound effects for that! And I love how she gets snatched off screen by the third. Kind of caught me off guard. LOL Looks Beautiful my friend


Thank you Darkwolf92. If I could of gotten the water effects to work it would have been even better

The Way

Looks pretty good