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- Hi everyone, just keeping you all up to date on what is going on with the upcoming vids. Just to let you all know the reason for the silence/slow feedback was because I was sick for a couple of days last week (NON-Covid). I took some days off including the weekend to rest up.  


-The next vid THE SHADOW 2 Corrupted Data will be coming real soon. The reason for the delay is that I've been trying to learn how to port things into the game for the last couple of weeks. I've had some success getting things to work every now and then but I decided to put that on hold and start back on THE SHADOW 2 Corrupted Data


-To refresh your memory on what THE SHADOW 2 Corrupted Data will be about. THE SHADOW 2 will start off with a quick TikTokish-style dance routine. The main character in the vid records everything using her phone and when she tries to upload the recording to the app it comes back as corrupted. She is confused by this since she didn't even try and edit the vid too much and decides to put the vid onto her laptop. From there, she is able to open the vid but to her surprise, the vid has changed completely. In her recording, she sees a shadowy figure in the distance. Frightened she immediately closes it....but it's too late. 



One of the last things that I am doing for the vid is trying to make new clothing for the dance sequence. I have several sets of clothes that I have made but nothing seems just right yet. 



-I apologize for the time it is taking to make these next vids. I don't want to rush them. 

-I will have several vids lined up after this once I get some reworks done to a few of the vids that I am getting voiced. 


-"IN THE DARKNESS 2" VOICED/SFX only, Currently Stretching the time between clips

-"THE WITCH" VOICED currently putting together the vid for the VA

-"INTRUSION PART 2, Poses are done and ready

-SEX LOOT 2 getting ready to have map textures made for the story. 

-THE FOREST FULL REDO Redoing the vid with the VA voice. 

-THE HOLD 3 (Once I learn how to port) I need more BDSM tools for this vid

-NIGHT OF THE GHOULS 3, just started getting things ready




-That is all for this weekly update. I have a Night of the Ghouls 3 preview that I am working on that I will post this weekend.  

If you have any more questions about what I am working on or want to see some of this stuff early. Remember to check out my discord. 

You will have to send me a message due to discord changing the invite link for security purposes. 




Thanks for the update. There is absolutely no need to rush. Keep on keeping on 😀


Thanks for the update. I think you are doing just great considering a new program to learn and that list of stuff coming up is impressive. Out of the clothing examples I like the 3rd one with the red belt, but at the end of the day it's your call and no matter what, it will be good.

Bobbie Blaise

Some stunning renders there...I especially like the red and white all-in-one oufit (4th from the bottom)...quality is always worth waiting for...glad you are well again.

Michael Zubas

Oh, good, that one's almost done. Can't wait to see the Finished product. When it comes to the Outfits, the last 3 look better than the first 3, Up Above. Good luck importing the Models, May I suggest trying to make what you cannot find, or would that take too long? Or at least commission someone to. Can't wait for the New Scene's. Should be nice, I'm glad your taking your time, the Patience will pay off

Michael Zubas

Also, I like the NOG mask, it's very Alluring, like a Masqarade mask. Looks kinda QT. If that is the Human for of the 3rd Ghoul, that would also be a nice way to Introduce her, to put her in the scene, or make a Cameo or something. I'm liking what you are doing


I was going to say, the top and bottom pictures of the females in tight dress with a belt ... completely works for me; nice that they're almost mirror of each other ... black & white. Great looking outfits. Take your time ... you always come through with each release. Thanks for the update!


I really like the supergirl top and skirt. And the white dress with the belt. Both of those work for me keep up the good work!


Thank you Robyn Stephens. If I can get this porting to work. I can finally start adding in some of my own designs that I have made in Marvelous Designer. There are clothes that I want in the game that just have not been done.


Thank you Michael Zubas. I have a program called Marvelous Designer that I am using to make clothes for Blender. Hopefully, once I get the porting to work I will be able to add them into the game.


Thanks again Michael Zubas. That is what the human form of the Third Ghoul looks like with just the different skin. I need to work on her face some to get the details just right but so far so good.


Thank you glennjisan I have some Ideas to pad out the time between vids but I don't want to say anything just yet.


amazing work as always


That Supergirl outfit is the one right there!


Honestly the white and red one, or the plain white one are my personal favorites, but supergirl would work as well.


Looking good, can't wait! I'm apparently in the minority here but anyone but the SG one! The SG one, which appears to be the vocal majority's favorite is too unrealistic. Obviously none of this is realistic, but that's why small real things, like a real outfit, make the visual and story slightly more believable. Its easier to suspend your disbelief if everything isn't too over the top. If you are doing a story about TikTok stick to an outfit someone would wear on TikTik....if you wanna use the SG one make a video about a girl doing an OnlyFans stream or working at strip club. Places were it would be more realistic to see an outfit like that. And yes, I obviously take this way serious lol.


LOL thank you for the feedback Charlie. Making outfits for all of these vids really do come down to are they realistic enough. The reason for the SG top is I figure it would be something that someone would wear to go to sleep in. The dance portion will have multiple sets of clothes....honestly since I can't make up my mind haha. Then for the actual scenes, she will be in some kind of sleepwear. Again I CAN'T MAKE UP MY MIND on the clothing choice, though.


Thank you BBQ Dolphin not sure yet if I'm going to use it for this vid or another Quickie vid that I have planned.


Is there a NOG 3 video preview coming today?


Keep up the good work. And make sure to take care yourself, your health is your wealth after all.