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 Hi everyone just keeping you all up to date on what is going on with the upcoming vids.

-This update will be somewhat short. I decided to spend my time this week getting the room to look more like a BDSM dungeon. So most of the work was focused on textures as well as relighting the room. Now things are much clearer and easier to see than before. I also added in more of the BDSM stalls that I wanted to use in the vid.  


-Even though the room is a medieval-style room this is still set in the present day. So I wanted to add in white lights to the outer room so that It gives off the impression that it has some modern lighting. 


-I'm still trying to find more BDSM gear for the characters. I want them to fit the theme more than what I had before. 


-I also worked on some more poses for the rooms. Those pics will be down in the attachments below. 

-That's it for this weekly update. I am planning on getting the teaser vid for THE HOLD 3 out sometime this week. Thanks again for all of your support!!!



Michael Zubas

Im sure a Strap On being Included would not hurt.


"Nice" dungeon ... the girls look extremely hot, though maybe a slight bit uncomfortable ... a that chaffing! Needless to say, a nightmare (ha ha) to get undressed! Keep up the great efforts and thanks for sharing ... this C-19 is a borefest ... need something to get us through! Cheers!


The dungeon is looking just fine. If you are going to add lights not to many. The darkness adds sinister moods. Maybe add lights that flicker. I like it as it is. 'Toys' can be wheeled in


Thank you glennjisan and yes C-19 has ruined a lot of my plans 😭 I’ll have a teaser vid up to tide you all over until the big release...pun intended.


Thank you Robyn Stephens I have all of the gear on a button now so if something gets in the way I can remove it quickly. I think the dungeon is just right now. Just dark enough to add a sense of dread and bright enough to see the action. Before I was noticed that I was almost squinting to see.

thomas d bontempo

Looks Wonderful I have to agree with Robyn Stephens

SexyTom2011 (Citor3)

Beautiful outfits and thanks for the update. If you want you can check out: https://twitter.com/Citor3_Official We are developing a FemDom VR game. Maybe you find some outfits that fit the style you need.

therrese plante

Nice work can't wait to see the vids.


Great work!!!! The hitachi, and the new modes are awesome! Wonderful job sir!


No....but that is a good F-ing Idea mark bermudez! I'm going to see what I can come up with.

mark bermudez madrigal

Love wolf yeahhh .. the mother of that creatures the queen. She will come and fucks they all .... she gives you the best and harder pleasures but she is gonna takes your live ...

Robert Tesla

I was looking forward to a weekly update! Hope you are having a good week