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  -Hi everyone just keeping you all up to date on what is going on with the upcoming vids. 

 -SHE'S BACK! My original model that this all started with...Agent Jenna! I've been working hard on getting the software up to date this past week so I don't have much poses or room textures to share. But I've made some EXTREMELY important progress. 

-DON'T FREAK OUT: I haven't changed any of the other models. I'm doing a lot of planning ahead for the fully voiced vid. The poll that I posted earlier was because of the fact that I wanted to revisit the Agent Jenna angle that I wanted to make a series out of. She was the first model to make an appearance in my vids and she will most likely be the main character for the Alien Encounter vids as well as another model from alien encounter examination??? 

-Foursomes are almost here!: I made some quick shots of the new version of the game that I am FINALLY getting to work. If it all goes according to plan I will be able to do the next HOLD vid very soon. Check out the preview pics of what I have made progress in so far down below. There are still some issues with the new version. The Eyes still will not work properly as well as many room textures look faded and blurry XD.

-ALSO....I HAVEN'T FORGOT ABOUT THE VID REORDERING!: I'm going to restructure the vids in the mega gallery ,as well as, post a new MAIN LINKS TAB with the correct vid order this weekend. I wanted to give you all a heads up before this happens because some of the current links may change. 

-Thanks again for all of your support! More Info on the upcoming vid soon as well as a Foursome Test!




i remember agent Jenna, it is nice she comes back! How many projects you are doing now? Sounds like heaps


be great for a addition to your sex walker video


the voice over would be really great in addition to your narratives of the story .


Agent Jenna model looks great! Interested to see what comes. In regards to the Hold models, I had a question regarding the female one. Does she have some sort of facial tattoo, or face paint? Or is that just shadows being cast on her face?


Thank you undeadwish I'm currently working on 4 different things. First is getting the vx version of the game to work. This version will let me do more of the ideas that I wanted with THE HOLD. Second is "The Masked" which is coming right along. Third is the Alien Encounter Script Fourth is a foursome test vid. This will be nothing special.


That version of the game it's still kinda of broken. There are a lot of things that just don't work yet that im slowly getting fixed. It took forever to get it to render the skin. Edit: to answer you question that in the pic is the messed up hair shadows.


Shes back and shes Hot !!!!


Thank you Troy Big Pond. I need to do a test vid so I can see what I'll need in order to use the voice overs correctly but I'm excited for it.

mark bermudez madrigal

Love it foursome and gangbang . That picture is like “ it’s time to you to pay let’s fuck her . I love it


LOL thanks mark bermudez I have a lot of things to work on still with it but I've got three poses already started. She did the crime now she must do the time....in THE HOLD.


Good luck on the endeavors! Man ... your plate is full! Dōmo arigatō ...

mark bermudez madrigal

The hold it’s like dark sexual prison like masons society. I want to ask you if the hold has been for long time that kind of prison? Maybe someday you can make a flashback video like romans time. A Roman high society girl made a crime and she must be punished as romans style ....

therrese plante

nice work can't wait to see your new series


Yes the first HOLD vid was supposed to be in the medieval era. It is an alternative for people to choose after given a sentence for a crime. For example 5yrs in jail vs 3 months in THE HOLD. The only problem is that sometimes.... they don't want to leave.

mark bermudez madrigal

Love it. You have a great mind ... waiting for the hold so.


Agent Jenna is in a good shape. Will she investigating some rumours out there? ^^ The last 3 pics "stillbroken" are pure lovewolf style and I can't say how good this is, the latex pants, the pose itself, her gaze - wow!


I would love to see the short haired girl of Alien encounter Subject 109 return for some vids. She was so hot and this video is still my favorite so far. :P


Its one of my favorites as well. That room is awesome and I have a thing for sci-fi glowing clothes lol. Unfortunately I don't think I have that model saved so I would have remake her though.


yes, finally straight stuff :)