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-Hi everyone I wanted to take the chance to test out the poll option while I wait on someone at work. I've been thinking of ways to add to the awards of being a Patron.

-This first poll is just a test but I wanted to ask a really simple question to you all. 

-What is your preferred video resolution?

-Stay safe out there everyone and Thanks for all of your support!



720p, I prefer to save storage space when I can


If the world was in normal circumstances, I would prefer videos in 1440 or greater. However considering potential data caps, and other uncertainties. 1080p for sure. 720 if it gets worse.


I understand this completely. Newegg must be wondering what I'm doing with all of these hard drives lol.


1080p is good. VERY good. Iz very gud. Is very well dat 1080 degree file ass.


I appreciate that 4k as much as the next guy but it's not practical. I can't even imagine how long it takes to upload let alone download. I voted 1440 cause it's still reasonable. But if your itching to push content out. Start off with your usual 720 and 1080. Than you could upload 1440+ at later dates so you can free up more time for that when your schedules more free. Plus if your going for 4k downloads you may wanna add a new tier to patron to support doing something like that on say a second computer or something. You get the idea xD


I prefer 4k just because i have the monitor for it and don't really care about storage space. I don't know how hard or time consuming it is to have multiple resolutions to satisfy all but that's my preference.


The 4K files will take up a ton of space. I was looking into getting a 4k monitor so I could down res the footage and it will look better after compression. I'm always trying to get a cleaner image.


I'm looking into getting a 4k monitor in order to get a cleaner image after compression. Usually, once I get the full-res vid rendered I put it through Handbrake to shrink it down to 1080p and 720p for websites. I don't think I could keep the 4k files after I finish a vid as I do now with 1440p though.


1080p or 1440p despite companies like nvidia, amd, microsoft and so on have been advertising 4k resoultions on video cards I wouldn't be surprised that majority of PC users are on 1080p monitors still since hardware improvements have barely improved compared to a few generations ago. Its gonna take a couple of generations 3 or 4 I suspect for people to move on towards 4k on TVs or monitors and to add all of that we need bigger hard drives for that data and better internet speed to accommodate all of that.


I like the 1440p, but truthfully honest ... I see very little difference between it and 1080p, which is why1080p is preferred. Before I joined Patreon, I would download your videos (@720p) and enhance + upconvert through Shotcut Editor. Takes time, but 1080p is my choice. Storage isn't an issue, either. Maybe later ... ? Still ... it wouldn't hurt to offer the choice. Depends on your resources ...


720p is good for me, Less work and more Content


Very true and you right on 1080p being the main resolution its winning the poll right now. 720p is still widely used on laptops as well. Honestly the higher resolutions just help me when compressing the vid. The more pixels I have the better the compressed image looks to me. Me personally I prefer 1440p because in use large monitors. When I had my old 1080p 32 in monitor vs my current one it really looked blurry side by side. But on my friends 27 in going back and forth I couldn't tell just like you said.


Yep I'm definitely glad I started offering 1080p after it was asked. It took awhile to redo the vids but it was worth it. I'm might look into 720p now.


Welcome to the side of poll options Love Wolf. :D I prefere the 1440 option since that is the resolution of my monitor. Also 1440 come usually with a higher bit rate than 1080, so this were another benefit beside the higher resolution. The space on hdd isn't a problem and a have NOT a bunch of these things operating.

Oro Or Ori

Would really love to see a 1440p option even if it comes a week or so later


Thanks 790FX. My current monitor is native 1440p as well. I also record in lossless mode so my files usually balloon in size.


For the teasers I try to make them as easy as possible to view so I don't render them at full res. The main Vid will be 1440p with a 1080p option.


If I'm on a 1080p monitor a higher resolutions shouldn't make a difference right? Like it won't worsen the image for the rest of us that don't have expensive monitors right. If so do whatever lol


Depends on the video parameters and your system parameters. For example, 4k video encoded with very high bitrate can lead to throttling on a weaker setup (like older laptops) when downsized to 1080p


So when will the video actually be up?


I'm currently wrorking on it right now. With what I have left i'm guessing late on Sunday. I'm also going to have a pre release update as well.


Am I too late on this poll? 1440p for me :D


Take your time. Coronavirus is slowing everything down so take some time out for yourself as well and have a break when you need it.


Are you still planning a release this weekend Love-wolf?


Yes, work has been crazy. A lot of people have been calling in so a lot of the work gets put on the rest of us who are still going. But I understand that they have responsibilities to keep their family safe. So I don't mind it too much. It's weird seeing some ghost town like scenes tho.

Lindsay Mathieson

I like 1440, it smoothly downscales with oversampling on my monitor, but 1080p is more than good enough.


Thank you Lindsay Mathieson. I decided to try and offer as many options as I can. That way you all have the right resolution for your setup.


1080 for the smaller file size. 1440 preferably, but not necessary.


I would say 1080 due to the fact most pervs out there don't have the processor speed and video cards to handle the higher resolution rates you are working with. I am finding this to be especially true if you are just wanting to stream the video, standard laptop's won't handle the incoming resolution well.