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-Hi everyone, just keeping you all up to date on what's going on with the current vid. 
(Dont forget to drag and drop the link into your search bar clicking it will not work)

-I wanted to let you all know that I'm planning on trying to finish up the prologue vid very soon. It never fails but I found a few animation issues while working on the poses. It seems like with the new update it made the physics in the game more accurate which causes some clipping in the game. 
-What do I mean by more accurate? While creating the textures for the clothing in the game I never thought to press the play button due to the fact that I wasn't animating poses. However with the new update as soon as you press play the physics immediately turn on now in stead of waiting on the character to move. Its great because the breast act way more naturally but the clothes don't account for the movement. 
-Breast position before pressing play.

-Breast position after gravity physics take effect.

-I Made a quick Video of the issue here:
-So unfortunately I had to move to a different shirt model in order to fix the issue for the most part. But, I still think it looks good and fits what was requested. That took up most of my time on Saturday doing that. Also I fixed the body so that the hair doesn't clip through as bad with longer hair. 

-I just have a few things to fix and finish and I'll have the vid out soon. 



Frank K.

First post :) - it looks fantastic! (I noticed that all my likes on Patreon posts are not saved - please imagine all your post as liked Love_Wolf ;) )


Your work is honestly amazing, can’t wait for the release of this one ^.^


Great work, im so horny for the full release, hopefully we not have too wait to long for the full release ;-)! Thank you 1000 times fo your great work!


Since you are working the level of coding in the game. (Or sort of due to the mod) Don't you have the option to turn the new physics off (in play), while the character has clothing on, and turn it on as soon as the clothing go off? Also, VID tease and test video are both the same link, was that intended?


Take all the time you need. Sometimes I forget that patreon even exists until I get an update notification from you


thank you KodaBit I didn't mean for that to happen and have changed the link. The problem is that I will have to find what changed by going back and forth between the two versions. The graphics upgrade normally doesn't effect things like physics which is why I didn't catch it before hand. Plus it looks better in play


Thanks BluePylon not sure what happened but it's fixed.....now


Thanks for sharing the optics ... it's nice to reminded that there's a lot of work involved in your rendered videos. Makes me appreciate it from a practical outlook. Your video "quickie', The Shadow, was a real knockout, especially the physics involved for a more natural movements with the protagonist. There's a quality to your work overall that makes it standout from others. Also looking forward to the completed project, as is everyone.


Thank you glennjisan. I'm trying my best to keep the vids as enjoyable as possible. I'm ready to start making more custom things for the vids I just need to be patient. I tend to stress myself out doing so lol. The story is the only thing that is keeping me from starting the main vid but I'll have this one out soon.


It doesn't matter which link I click I end up being on the physics test vid. :(


may i request for some more slim girls ? i mean, slim waist, handful butt. keep going man, love your vids


New update soon? So horny for the new one :-*!


Yes very soon mbwalkman work has been insane so haven't had any time to do anything 😭. In have a update vid that is going to have some action in it as an apology for the delay. 😔


You are the best! THXa lot man!


Hey man, things are looking great as always! take your time bro, and stay safe and healthy.


Thank you Ninjintonic hopefully I can have the quick preview up for you all here soon. Work kind of took over these past couple of weeks.