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Welp it took me A LOT longer than I wanted it to, but I finally got my next vid finished. Swamp Monster 2 is up and ready to view.

(Check your messages for the link)

Video Information...

The reason for the delay is that...…..I HATED THE ORIGINAL VERSION!!! I just didn't like how everything turned out so I scrapped it and started over. This version is much better but its still not 100 percent what I had in mind. The room turned out to be the limiting factor. It is very flat and doesn't feature any flat surfaces to get....well...down on. Despite all of that, Check it out and let me know what you think. 

What's next....

I'm thinking about doing more continuous movement poses in my vids. For instance I want to have more interaction with the environments and maybe even moving from one pose to the next without cutting the vid. This will be limited by the amount of keyframe space in the game but it will bring more life to the vids. Up next is either another ALIEN ENCOUNTER or a HORROR ENCOUNTER vid. The alien skin I made turned out great, I'm even able to control the wet look of the skin...eww lol. For the HORROR ENCOUNTER it will be another femdom project that I want to make based off of game F.E.A.R. We shall see.....




Super Nice work man !!! it would be perfect if there are a belly bulge effect on the female character :O Thanks for you works !!!


Excited for the new video! Links were sent in messages?


There is on effect like that and I used it before. As far as animating it though it doesn't work too well.


I resent it to you tom. patreons mass message system sometimes leaves people out. It's why I always put a video notice up. Enjoy


Very nice!


I think this one is my favorite, witches are cute and sexy and I love how she almost manage to keep her cool while being assaulted by this thing!


Thanks Dalith I will make another once of these eventually.


Am a new subscriber. Is this video still available?


Yes you can find this vid on the main links tab on the left side of the page. It will be in the vid gallery. Thank you for the support Hummingbird.


Yes the format is different for mobile. On mobile go to my post tab at the bottom when you open the app. You should see a post that says main links update under my patreon name. On that post I created several gallery links as well as website links so you don't have to download everything to your computer.