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Once again im putting out another update on the progress to the next vid. But first, did you guys like ZA 2?

The next video up is finally.....THE HOLD 2. I know you guys have been waiting on this so I wanted it to be just right. A lot of what I'm doing in this vid is based off of suggestions that people have sent my way. So if you have any, feel free to fire away. I may not use it in this vid but im planning on making this a series so any suggestions would come in handy. I finally got the room to look how I wanted it to look. DARK but with a great lighting on the characters. I'm also now using RE-SHADE to up the quality even more. Below is a link to some preview pics of THE HOLD 2. Enjoy and a have a happy NEW YEAR!!!




Loved ZA 2. Any amount of story usual greatly improves smut imo. Looks like ill love the Hold 2 too.


Thanks again PigtheOrc Im on a little break right now but its full speed ahead on THE HOLD 2. My music making skills though is.....lacking lol. Happy New Years!


Hope you had a great new years. The hold is on hold?!? Jk take sometime for yourself bud.