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Sending out some goods to you guys :D

And a new mini! :D



Like Christian Bale Batman deep voice? Lol


You keep doing you buddy! Thanks for the update and congrats to everyone who got goodies!


Hi, after listening to your update, I went back and listened to the rant a out heroquest which I missed originally as uninteresting to me. I understand you were upset and disappointed in their choice of venue and their presentation but it seemed that the emotion was over the top for the cause. A couple of points. Don’t you think that Hasbro did an analysis of what using their platform as opposed to Kickstarter would mean in terms of total return. These people are not idiots and with millions at stake I strongly suspect they did careful analysis before making their choice. Then you went on about another platform having your information. Don’t you purchase games from game stores? At least the ones I buy from want my information to charge me and deliver. I just think of Hasbro as a big store. The comments about presentation are right on unless you consider that the market they are shooting for is not the one that you and I are interested in. That instead it just coincidentally overlaps with our interests. Even though my gaming dates back prior to the original, I have no interest in a remake of the game dating back then. There are so many newer and better games. As a patron I wanted to make these comments here rather than in the more public forum. I support you and enjoy your channel quite a bit. Getting upset about things is fine, but that video that the intensity of someone reacting to something like their new car being keyed. Was Heroquest that important to you? I would expect disappointment but not almost rage. You are always intense but that video was over the top. Anyway, keep up the good work.


There's other youtubers out there who are more eccentric, better scripted, better editing, etc... But the passion you put into your content is more evident than anyone else, and it's contagious too. Keep doing you and keep up the great work!


Heya John, thanks for the response! I think the best thing any of us can do is discuss stuff like this when it comes up :) Okay so there's a lot here but I'll start with my passion/rage. I care a lot about companies and how they treat consumers. Like, a LOT. It's certainly something I am passionate about so when I see low effort on Hasbro's part I view it as insulting, like I'm not worth their time and my money isn't either or worse, they expect me to give them money just for some pretty pictures, like I'm some easy consumer whore they can milk. As I ended the video (sorta) with, I deserver better and so does everyone else. Heck it had so little information Kickstarter would have rejected it as they have some standards for what information a company is required to give their backers before asking for money. Even KS, with all it's faults, has more respect for us consumers. To put that more into perspective is the point of them thinking this through: no I don't think they did. Up until a year ago I worked for a Fortune 50 company and would often work with or be in meetings with VPS and sometimes even higher so lots of execs. They're idiots. These companies (Hasbro's 10 billion dollars worth included) make money in spite of their leadership thanks mostly to unfair market advantages, by sheer force within that market or the best thing of all for them, uneducated consumers. The #1 thing I consistently saw is a disdain for customers. They will seriously, and I kid you not, pull up a slide saying how this market is best to go after because the person buying the product is 84% female and they are uneducated in alternatives and easily swayed. That's seriously marketing strategy for these companies. They are also very arrogant and would gladly make less if it meant not sharing or using their own thing. My company I worked for had their own version of many software applications that were way below industry standard, but gosh darn it they were ours so we used them and just suffered for it. Anyway, regardless on if it was on KS or not, just an ounce of effort to explain the game would have opened their campaign to an entire group of people like me that are new to it. Just a small tiny bit of effort and suddenly there's a huge opportunity to get more money. But nope, Hasbro shows no effort at all. Did the break a million? Yeah. But so did Massive Darkness 2 and it's not the most sought after and requested reprint in board gaming history. They could have made so much more if they'd bother to put effort into it and understand their audience. Anyway, hopefully that helps explain it somewhat :D It's great to discuss of course and I'm happy to see they at least finally added an FAQ now. Oh! As for the multiple site thing: my issue there isn't signing up for HasbroPulse, it's the trend that sets to potentially make CMON make their own, and Awaken Realms their own, and Mythic Games theres, and a dozen others. KS needs a real competitor but to compete you need two things: be developer agnostic and offer the same or better consumer benefits. Having a company specific site like Habsro's causes fragmentation, not competition and that just hurts consumers as they eventually have to visit 1 dozen or more sites just to see what's on offer. Of course, it's all just my opinion and I realize it's not popular, but it's honestly how I feel. I feel this reprint was a huge waste of opportunity and a bad deal for consumers at large. I wish I had better spoken during my video and been more clear in my points and examples. Definitely something to learn from :)


Yay, I finally am back on Patreon. Something something they were blocking sending me password resets because MY email was identified as spam.


Oops, hit enter too early. I was going to in part disagree with some of your HQ points but reading your further clarification I can see better where you are coming from. What came across in the video was you were mad at Hasbro for not using KS to make more money when that seems contrary to you caring about how much a multi billion dollar corp makes. I see now where you are coming from. That said, they just released a Mandalorian ship on Pilse and it has already dwarfed what HQ has pulled in. sorta puts our hobby back in perspective!


Uuuuh, I am so hyped for Etherfields, SO MUCH beautiful minis to paint! I would have wished for oversized Resin versions of the Business Penguin and the Winged Cat though 😁