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Time for a little honesty about our game progress. I really think that it is important to keep you all in the loop.

I've been wrestling with burnout, (mainly because of my terrible time management tbh) Some days I work nonstop for 14 hours like a caffeinated raccoon, and other days my brain decides to take a nap when I try to concentrate on writing or creating cool camera angles

Starting next week, I'm locking myself in until the update is ready, and as you guys can see the update is almost done. We've hit a few bumps, like our Russian translation coming to a halt. But good news! We've found someone else who's interested in picking it up, fingers are crossed it all works out 🤞

I truly appreciate everyone's understanding. Rest assured, I'm making sure that version 0.10 isn't rushed and that the quality keeps improving. Thanks for sticking with us and supporting us in every way! <3 <3



Owen ☘️

Take as much time as you need ❤️ very much looking forward to playing this update, but all of us would rather have you take your time instead of rushing it and burning out even more


My English isn't that good, but sometimes it's better to Rest, before you over work urself. I hope you live a good life and it is ok, if u need more Time. Im gonna keep paying you, to make such an pasterpiece for me. If you can follow my words ❤️