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Buffy 4x8 Full


Ann Reinke

NGL , your third cheerleading in a row for Doug Petrie's 4X07 made my heart happy. Doug Petrie is probably my fave Buffy writer and 4X07 is definitely in my top 10 episodes. Hope you enjoy the rest of season four!!

Mikayla Welker

I havent watched this reaction yet, I just wanted to say i find it interesting that Buffy seasons follow a pattern where while all seasons have A Villian (as all shows do) I feel like even seasons are more focused on emotional stuff as the villian. For example, 1 and 3 had the master and the mayor as villians, and yes season 2 had Angelus, but the hardest thing that Buffy had to face in season 2 was the betrayal of both Angel and Jenny. And her feeling like she betrayed Giles by not saving Jenny and letting him get captured and probably also feeling like she betrayed angel by killing him. Like yes, Angelus was the "big bad" but what made him so bad was that he used to be good. The fight at the end was with herself as much as it was with Angel. I feel like all of the even seasons are like that, a physical big bad but worse emotional one.