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Angel 1x5 Full



I have never wanted Dairy Queen so much. I'm sorry though, I cannot stand banana so I will leave you to enjoy the shake. But I wanted the onion rings bad. This is a really strong episode with plot lines that reveal more about both Cordelia and Doyle. And Angel helping both of them, it's the first time that I really think of them as a little family. It's not like any of them have much in the way of anyone else. And Ghost Dennis for the win. Thanks for the enjoyable reaction! And still so happy you're doing Angel episodes for us. There is a lot of greatness within this show.

Belle GC

agree with your thoughts about Cordelia in the end. also, her comment about not being a “little cry Buffy” or whatever she said kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

Rey Gallogo

It’s true. Buffy cries and whines. Cordy gets mad about it and does something bout it.


The Dairy Queen closest to me burned down about a year ago. Grease fire. I'm jealous.