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Buffy 3x15 Full



Personally, I find many of the reactions to the mayor's assistant's death rather exaggerated, especially on Buffy's part. I get what they wanted to convey of course, my problem it's that I think they went overboard on how they played it out, especially compared to what we've seen on the show up to this point. In a way it remands me of “Gingerbread”, people, even kids at school, get kill in Sunnydale every day with no fuss by anyone, and now suddenly everyone is shocked by this specific case? It lacks consistency and it doesn't work for me. In the same way, Buffy directly caused the death of two guys on school grounds in “homecoming” and then clearly disposed of the bodies without problems, and now it's shocking when basically Faith does the same … I know, I know, it's not the exactly the same situation, but it's the disproportion in the reactions from one episode to the next that bothers me, and this is why I think this story should have been played in a more subtle way, through nuance more than strong emotional reactions. Clearly this is just how I feel it, you may have perceived it differently and that's totally fine. What is objectively clear at this point is that the Council has been established as a bunch of useless, entitled, incompetent, idiots (aside Giles of course), making them more a liability than a resource for the slayers. Slayers have been fighting this battle since the beginning of humanity so obviously incidents like this happened several times, as Giles himself confirmed, yet apparently no one (and here we must count Giles too) has thought about mentally and psychologically preparing the slayers to such eventuality, explaining what to do if it happens and how the Council can cover it. Not doing so is something bordering on criminal negligence. Also we have the solution undertaken by Wesley to deal with the situation, clearly it wasn't an half-assed, random, impulsive, and idiotic decision but a proper response in line with Council's priority to protect all people … FYI I'm deeply sarcastic. We saw previously how the Council doesn't give a damn about any kind of “collateral damages”, so much so that they assigned as watcher of not one but two slayers a total noob like Wesley. Honestly, at this point just level the entire organization to the ground and restart from scratch. They also broke an important narrative rule in this episode and tried to patched it up with a cheeky trick, but I'll talk about that another time, maybe. Last note: Don't try to apply our world's legal system here, it would be too messy, not to mention the fact that the authority would be the Mayor and the police is in his pocket and do his bidding.

Neill Shaughness

One of the biggest mistakes I think the show ever made was killing Trick so soon. I don't think he came close to realizing his potential as a character. I feel like he would have fit into the Angel spin-off excellently


I was quite unhappy with not only Trick's death, but also the quick way in which he was killed off. It was such a pointless, off-hand, almost flippant end to a charismatic, intriguing villain who had a lot of potential to be a major player well beyond the Mayor's demise (Cass is already into Season 4, so that's not a spoiler). I love your thought that Trick could have fit into the Angel spin-off; I feel you are right.


Unraveling is a really good word for it.