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Buffy 3x9 Full


Stephen Paynter

I think this episode is too easily dismissed by first time viewers because apparently no one remembers this alternative world but the audience. However, in later episodes and seasons, there are echoes of this alternative reality which inform the "real" reality - meaning this "what if" episode is not as pointless as it might at first seem. ... can't say more without spoilers!


I’m a bit behind on these reactions but I still wanted to come in and state my opinion that… The Wish is such a masterful episode. I can see how the ending can be annoying, particularly on a first viewing, what with the episode erasing itself, but this isn’t your typical Plot driven show. With a Plot driven show this episode could potentially become skippable because it seemingly would have no real impact to the overarching events that comprise the plot of the season. So what's the point? But this show is driven by its Themes and its Characters (the Plot serves them rather than the other way around). What gets us from A to B is a lot less important than what it says about the world and what it means for the characters (primarily Buffy). Even in an episode that erases itself this show has a lot to say.


I literally just realized, after watching this episode countless times, that the scene in the beginning where Cordelia burns the pictures of Xander, that's when she accidentally summoned Anyanka.