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John Colson

I could pick 4 of these.

Stephen Knueppel

I highly recommend doing some older comedies like Arsenic and Old Lace, it's one of the funniest movies ever.

David Crabtree

I vote Buffy! I think it's quite underrated and has a very different tone than the TV series.

Minister Kosh

I'm not sure if you are aware, that the Buffy is quite ... bad. And strange at times. It can be fun at times, sure, but overall its not a good movie. So despite I'm a Buffy fan, I vote for Jaws.

Nica Marie

I'm gonna need people to stop telling those who have not yet seen it that the Buffy movie is bad. It isn't. It's campy and cheesy and corny. If you can appreciate those things, you can find something to like about the movie. Yes, it suffers in comparison to the series which is why we should stop comparing it and simply appreciate it on its own merits. It has future Oscar winners and a "nepo baby" of a Hollywood legend in the cast. Not to mention the late great Luke Perry, so maybe stop being so harsh. Embrace the camp and have fun.

Stephen Knueppel

If Cassie reacts to the Buffy movie I think she should wait until the end of season 2


I agree with Stephen. I feel the Buffy movie would be better appreciated at the end of Season 2 (or 3). No need to wait beyond that, though. I voted for Singin, but changed it to Jaws as it was running neck-and-neck with Buffy. I've never seen Jaws, but now is not the time for Buffy.

Avalon Perry

As others said, I really don’t think you should watch the Buffy movie until you’re at least finished with season 2, maybe even season 3.

Tom Tattershall

I'm all about Singin' in the Rain but Jaws is a great summer film. The Buffy movie can wait.

John Colson

Though I think you'd find The Lighthouse really interesting, I changed my vote to Jaws. Jaws was released with very little expectations but became a phenomenon and ushered in the Era of Summer Blockbusters. So it is Summer (almost) this would be the perfect time to watch. Spencer is on my Watchlist. Singing In the Rain is a Classic as is Arsenic and Old Lace. As far as BTVS, I've seen the movie but having never watched the series (besides I think one episode) I couldn't vote either way on it.

al mall

The Buffy movie is a point of tension. 😀 Once it's out of the way, everybody (for it or against it) will finally get peace. And a reaction from Cass!

K Murray

I would love to see The Lighthouse on the channel. It's an odd one though.

Aurro Eronaile

Bummed to see the Lighthouse so low, that movie was a trip and I think you’d enjoy it

Myoclonic Jerk

Yes, Jaws. Because no other reactor has done that one.


Buffy the Movie. Because by all rights it SHOULD have been watch first. As it came out (five) years before. Watching it now is like a prequel and answers some questions. Yes, some things didn't translate from the movie to the TV show so there is a small lack of continuity. All in all no spoilers, I think a name gets reused so what.


RIGHT, because all "bad" movies get their own TV shows ... It's most-likely "bad" to U because U have seen them out of the original order!!!!


The sooner the better... You just want to spoil the movie for her.


No it can't wait ...Well it can however she would need to put Buffy season 2 on hold for a month. I do agree that Viewing Jaws in June, the same month it came out is sentimental and gives that first time in the water (even on a lake) and uneasy feeling.

Myoclonic Jerk

Irony: the use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning


If what I said had missed it's mark completely it wouldn't bother you.


I just re-watched the movie and no names were reused... so there are no spoilers in the movie.


I haven't call you any names nor have I made generalizations (about) your linage.


Why after season 2? and please something tangible not "other people say so".

Myoclonic Jerk

I beg to differ. The point is to entertain US, the paying customer. If you copy everyone else, you'll be boring. Unfortunately, it seems like the majority seems to be OK with boring. Hence my sarcasm.