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Danny (Icarus)

Hi Cassie, such a sad episode. 😭

al mall

You were quick to perceive the romantic possibility of the situation (among other things). I wonder at what point I would've sensed it before it became obvious. I'll never know, because a Ben Shapiro video thumbnail spoiled it for me.

Larry Johnston

Apparently in the game Frank is never seen. Bill is a hardened, angry guy that butts heads with Ellie when Joel and her arrive. That being said, gamers expected Bill to be alive when J & E arrive. From reactions most of them really appreciated and loved all the backstory of Bill and his relationship with Frank. I believe Bill was very bitter as Frank left him, became infected and hung himself. I'm sorry your recording got interrupted but it's not really possible to do an honest reaction "retake" I guess. Life happens.... ask Bill. Love being able to rewatch epic shows with you. It's like when you take your kids to Disneyland for the first time and get to relive it all through their eyes.... and hearts.

Larry Johnston

You should check out The Sound of My Voice video about the life and career of Linda Ronstadt. She never married but adopted 2 kids. Still alive at 76 she had a degenerative condition that caused her to eventually stop singing. One of my all time favorite artists. And "Long, Long Time" one of the most wonderful love ballads.

John Colson

One of the best episodes of television ever.

Michael Kang-Beats

I've played the game a bunch of times. All you see in the game is a letter from Frank (who killed himself). Bill is a total asshole misanthrope who does not get along with Ellie. However, the Bill portion of the game needs to accomplish two things: 1. Getting a pickup to Joel and Ellie (and a battery) 2. Joel is convinced that he needs to take Ellie west with him. In the game, it is a lot of mission-based play (killing a lot of infected), but they are essentially at the same spot when this ends as when this part of the game ends. In the game Ellie also steals a gay porno magazine from Bill's stash, which further cements that Bill is indeed gay in the game too, for all the smooth-brained incel chuds mad about a "gay episode."