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John Colson

Another movie I need to catch up on. Thank you Cassie

al mall

Spoilers ahead: The increasing suspense was well provided all the way, peppered with some grandiose clashes for superiority between the villain(s) and the heroine. I expected that we would get a terrifying answer to why the cooks are working like their life depends on it. We didn't. The "We're all gonna die tonight" reveal was an extraordinary surprise. It's a shame they couldn't back it up with a plausible reason, other than calling the movie a satire. Letting her go in the end seemed to have the exact same amount of reason. None. But in a way, this was exactly what legitimized it! Because a distorted mind, thinking it necessary to kill everybody, can as easily think it necessary to go through with a perfect service. She recognized this possibility, chose it, and - for her subtly visible surprise - it worked. It felt satisfying. Also because I wanted her to live so much, I was willing to give up closer inspection of how she was able to pull it off. Tyler - I cannot say that I had feelings toward him, because he felt rather a parody than a person to me. The highlight for me was the special serving for the last guest caught. :D