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"Who Are You?"



Stephen Paynter

Dollhouse is a fantastic show, and Eliza (in all her variety) is wonderful in it - I've grown to appreciate this show so much more on repeated rewatches, especially with good reactors like Cass.


Due to the time in which this show aired, the writers tried to give subtle messages regarding where the Willow and Tara relationship was going. Besides the pretty obvious sexual overtones during the spell scene (note the big glowing "O" at the climax of the spell and the timing of the immediate cut to Riley and Buffy/Faith in bed together)- Tara literally says the spell involves the girls going to the "nether region" (heh, heh). Also the spell they did just a couple of episodes ago involved removing petals from a rose (in other words, a "deflowering spell"). Methinks this was not by accident!