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go away gull, tusk doesnt need an audience




Aaand you fail to defend your brother and his mate, and cave to the cult pressure instead... When you know full well that the decision was yours entirely. I get that there is a lot weighing on Trout's shoulders, and the assassination attempts have definitely exacerbated things. But. She's putting the wrong "family" first here. At this point she's a bad aunt, and a questionable sister at best. This isn't a situation that could ever, ever have been solved with a compromise. I'd say that even trying to compromise was the cowardly choice here. Which makes sense, given how scared Trout (rightfully) is. Still... She failed her actual family here. Not to mention, Hake still believes in the crab at this point, unless he's come to a very snap decision within the last page or so that we aren't privy to. Trout has to know that she's making her brother think that his god doesn't support him or his mate. D: How dare she say "I hope you understand" to Tusk? Of course she understands... She understands that she can't trust these cultists any more than she originally suspected. Take your mate and kit and get outta there, Tusk. There's no happy future here for you. Brilliant writing and imagery as always! I can't wait to read the next pages. n-n


I think part of the problem is also Trout might think the burial part is what is important to Tusk, not necessarily the WHERE. Like, she might think burying their dead is possibly a sort of custom, not realizing the importance to Tusk of where she wanted to bury him.