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EDIT: Old save file is not compatible with new version. If you run into error messages, please take a screenshot and send it to exiscoming@hotmail.com or drop me a PM.

Howdy folks,

Find here the current test versions for PC and Mac. Do keep in mind that these are meant to be simply that,test versions. They haven't been polished, there will be bugs and may spoil the final product for you.

Keep that in mind. Regardless I hope you'll enjoy.


Mac MEGA Link 


Kyle Jones

I'm getting errors about a wall mounted dildo not being found after getting the entertainer job


getting a error where when I go to talk to ashoka it brings up the kit the vendor on tattoine


Are the outfits not implemented yet? I have bought the available clothes for Ahsoka but they are not showing up in the clothes tab


Hello Brian. No, I'm afraid not. I'm currently waiting for my artist to draw them.


Okay. Thanks for the response. Your game is excellent!


I know it seems quite greedy to ask this considering how recently you released this version, but any idea when 0.3 might come out? I've been enjoying this game immensely and I cant wait for more to come


He mentioned last month I think that he would try to get the 3$ and above a release at the beginning of each month IIRC.